SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 16079 / March 8, 1999 Golden Eagle International, Inc. Enjoined by Consent (Civil Action No. 98-Z-1020 (D. Colo.) The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that on March 4, 1999 the Honorable Zita L. Weinshienk, United States District Judge for the District of Colorado entered an order of permanent injunction against Golden Eagle International, Inc. ("Golden Eagle") The order, which was entered pursuant to the company's consent, in which in which it neither admitted nor denied the allegations of the complaint, prohibits the company from further violations of various provisions of the federal securities laws, including the anti-fraud, periodic filings, and books and records provisions. Specifically the company is prohibited from further violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act")and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, Section 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act, Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 13a-1, 13a-11, 13a-13, and 12b-20 thereunder. The complaint, which was filed in May 1998 charged that Golden Eagle had issued a series of false public statements, including false filings with the Commission concerning ownership of mineral properties and reserves on those properties. The complaint also charged that Golden Eagle had been delinquent in filing periodic reports with the Commission. In November 1998 the Commission amended its complaint alleging that Terry Turner, Golden Eagle's president had issued a false press release in May 1998 that fraudulently claimed that Golden Eagle's Bolivian properties had substantial amounts of gold reserves. Litigation is continuing against the remaining defendants who include, Terry Turner, Ronald Knittle, Mary Erickson, Greg Vernon Timberline Consulting Inc. (See, Litigation Release No. 15733, May 7, 1998; Litigation Release No. 15862, August 28, 1998).