BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Aerospace Supplier Development Mission 2009

Dates: May 5-6, 2009
Location: Hyatt Regency Montreal
1255 Jeanne-Mance
Montreal, QC H5B 1E5
Ph:  (514) 982-1234

Canada-US Flag Motif

The U.S. Commercial Service Canada and the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration are proud to present the Aerospace Supplier Development Mission 2009 to Montreal, Canada on May 5-6, 2009.

This mission offers an ideal opportunity for U.S. aerospace export-ready companies to gain valuable international business exposure in Canada's highly important aerospace market, the fifth largest aerospace industry in the world.  Participating U.S. companies will benefit from this
excellent program to establish business relations with
prospective agents, distributors and end-users in Canada:

Air Shuttle Second

  • In 2008, Canada ranked in the top 3 export markets for U.S. aerospace products, generating close to $8 billion in U.S. export sales
  • Canada's aerospace industry generated US$22.7 billion sales in 2008 and is home to key world aerospace leaders such as Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Bell Helicopter Textron
  • Canadian aerospace companies generally source a majority of their components from the United States


 American Exhibitors  Canadian Attendees

For more information, please contact:
Gina Bento, Aerospace Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service, Montreal
Ph: (514) 908-3660; Fax: (514) 398-0673