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The Gulf Ecological Management Sites Program

The Gulf Ecological Management Sites Program

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What is a Gulf Ecological Management Site?

A Gulf Ecological Management Site (GEMS) is a geographic area that has special ecological significance to the continued production of fish, wildlife and other natural resources or that represents unique habitats.

What is the GEMS Program?

The GEMS Program is an initiative of the Gulf of Mexico Program (GMP) and the five Gulf of Mexico states that provides a regional framework for focusing attention on ecologically important Gulf habitats. The GEMS Program coordinates and utilizes existing federal, state, local and private programs and resources to identify GEMS in each state, build an informational database, and foster cooperative conservation of GEMS.

The GEMS Program is an important strategy of the GMP to achieve its goal to conserve, restore, enhance and create Gulf of Mexico habitats. 105 special ecological areas have been identified as GEMS by the individual Gulf states. Information about each site, such as size, boundaries, ecological characteristics and current management status are being included in a Gulf- wide information system. This GEMS information network will be used by participants in the GEMS Program to coordinate and to share information about ecologically important sites and appropriate management techniques on a regional basis.

The goals of the GEMS Program are to:

What is the GEMS Information Network?

What is the Status of the GEMS Program?

In 1996, the five Gulf of Mexico states, working in cooperation with the GMP, identified 105 GEM sites and developed the concept for the regional GEMS information network. Currently the states, supported by a grant from the GMP, are building the Gulf-wide GEMS information network, which includes compiling specific information about each site and establishing Internet GEMS homepages for each state. The GMP has also established this GEMS homepage that connects to the states' homepages and is working toward developing a regional GEMS database linking the information about all the sites that will be accessible to the public and support the purposes of the GEMS information network.

Another current activity of the GEMS Program is assessing the management needs for the GEM sites in each state in order to identify common issues and problems and to set priorities for future activities to conserve these areas. The GEMS Program is also coordinating with the GMP to identify opportunities for further cooperative projects.


Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Mail Code: EPA/GMPO
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000
FAX: 228-688-2709

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