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bullet2.gif (933 bytes) Frequently Asked Employee Questions
bullet9.gif (933 bytes) Classification, Position Management & Organizational Design Overviews
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) General Schedule Classification System
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Federal Wage System
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) FWS Key Ranking Jobs
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Writing a Position Description in FWS Format
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Writing a Position Description in FES Format
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Classification Appeals
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Position Audit or Review
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Standard Form 52
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Position Sensitivity
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Environmental Differential Pay/ Hazardous Duty Pay
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Fair Labor Standards Act


bullet6.gif (863 bytes)General Management bullet6.gif (863 bytes)EEO bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Classification bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Labor Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Staffing bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Development bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Electronic Forms bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Sample Letters bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Related Sites bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Email bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Help



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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy Management and Budget
Web Contact: PAHR_Webmaster@ios.doi.gov
Last Updated on 2/21/