Endangered Species Program
Thumbnail of Endangered Species Bulletin Article on the Endangered Species Listing Program
The Endangered Species Listing Program

Through the Listing Program, the Service determines whether to add a species to the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. Once listed, a species is afforded the full range of protections available under the Endangered Species Act, including prohibitions on killing, harming or otherwise "taking" a species. In some instances, species listing can be avoided by the development of Candidate Conservation Agreements which may remove threats facing the candidate species.


For viewing or downloading recent listing notices or actions announcements in the Federal Register, please see our Federal Register Announcements page.

For viewing or downloading other policy announcements such as final and draft policies, Secretarial Orders, or regulations, please see our Policies page.

How Many and Which Species are Listed—Species Information

For information on how many and which species are listed, where they are listed, more about individual species, proposed and candidate species information, or other threatened and endangered species information, please see our Species Information page.

View a map of listed species range by State/Territory.

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About Our Listing Program

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About Candidate Species Conservation

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About Critical Habitat

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Last updated: May 6, 2009