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Press Releases

March 20, 2009

Shannon Ricles
David Hall

NOAA's Monitor National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Seeks Participants for Youth Working Group

NOAA’s Monitor National Marine Sanctuary is seeking people between 14 and 17 years of age to provide input to its advisory council and superintendent on ocean conservation issues and how this next generation views ocean issues.

Through this youth working group, the sanctuary is seeking to learn how best to convey the message of ocean conservation to the youth of today, and to gain a better understanding of how to engage young people to become stewards of our oceans.

“This is an exciting time for the Monitor sanctuary, as we look to a younger generation to help us communicate the importance of being good ocean stewards and preserving our maritime heritage,” said Dave Alberg, sanctuary superintendent. “There is a great need to communicate the message that our ocean is in trouble, not only to adults, but especially to the youth, who are the future.”

The working group will consist of five to eight young people and two council members. It will meet once a month either at the sanctuary’s office in Newport News, Va., or in a location to be determined in the Outer Banks region of North Carolina. The working group will report their findings to the sanctuary advisory council twice a year.

There may be opportunities for members to participate in summer field work, outreach activities and events, council meetings, workshops and other activities. Members of the working group will be encouraged to share their experiences with their peers, and to convey to young people in their community the importance of ocean conservation and protecting our maritime heritage.

Members selected to serve on the youth working group must be between the ages of 14 and 17 and attend a school in Virginia or  North Carolina. They must have proven ability to communicate and network with other students within their school and other schools in their community. They must also possess an interest in ocean conservation and sanctuary resource protection and management.

Entry forms are due by April 15. To receive one, or for further information, please contact Shannon Ricles at 757-591-7328 or 757-869-1370, or write to: Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, 100 Museum Drive, Newport News, Va. 23606. Completed entries should be mailed to the above address. For additional requirements, other guidelines and to download an entry form for the Youth Working Group, visit

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