BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

West Los Angeles

Agribusiness Newsletter

Agribusiness Sector
Your Local Contact: Terri Batch
Contact Phone Number: (310)882-1750
Contact Email:


Foreign Agricultural Services (FAS) Offices --------------------------------------------------------------------
Did you know that the US Department of Agriculture has offices located throughout the world similar to the U.S. Department of Commerce to assist U.S. food companies with exporting?

To get more information about the Foreign Agricultural Service, visit their website at: To find an office overseas, visit the following link:

Interested in doing business in China?
The China Business Information Center (BIC) is the first comprehensive U.S. federal government resource aimed at helping American businesses take advantage of China's rapid integration into the global economy. The BIC offers clients access to counseling with trade specialists in the United States, referrals to USFCS officers in China, and helps channel trade leads to clients through U.S. Export Assistance Centers. The BIC consists of an 800 number that the public can use to speak with a China specialist; a website with China-focused information and export tools; and a series of outreach events planned throughout the United States.

The China Business Information Center at is located within the Commerce Department's U.S. Foreign and Commercial Service (USFCS) and features practical information that the American exporter can use to achieve tangible commercial results including: country and industry-specific information, exporting steps and tips, current market research, timely export leads, upcoming trade events, and vital regulatory information enabling U.S. exporters to undertake the following activities:

  • Promote products and services to qualified Chinese buyers, distributors and agents
  • Understand Chinese laws, regulations and customs
  • Collect world-class market research
  • Develop new or additional business relationships in China
  • Initiate the basic steps to enter the Chinese market
  • Resolve trade disputes.

Interested in doing business in the Middle East or North Africa?
The Middle East and North Africa is a region of great opportunity for all types of companies - not just large multinationals, but business in the region can be challenging as well as rewarding. Find out whether Doing Business in the Middle East and North Africa is for you. What are the opportunities? What does it take to succeed? Let us help you assess your possible risks vs. potential rewards.

For trade counseling and further commercial information on the countries of the Middle East and North Africa call 1-800-USA-TRADE [872-8723] or 202-482-0543.