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Basic Information

Image of Ariel Rios BuildingBackground

Dockets serve as the repository for information, such as background documentation and public comments related to rulemaking or non-rulemaking actions. These dockets are made available to the public online through Regulations.gov and in-person at the EPA Docket Center.

The EPA Docket Center in Washington, DC manages the public dockets for all EPA headquarters program offices, with the exception of Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), which retains a separate docket in Arlington, VA. EPA Regions also maintain their own dockets from their respective offices.

Both hard copy and electronic materials are available in the docket centers' public reading room. You may get involved in the Agency decision-making process by submitting comments electronically via Regulations.gov or in hard copy to the appropriate docket.

Did you know?

Over the course of a year, the EPA Docket Center publishes up to one thousand different rules and notices for the Agency, and receives up to a half a million comments from the public.

Additional Resources:

EPA and E-Rulemaking

EPA has the distinction of being the lead agency in the design, development and implementation of eRulemaking throughout the federal government. The scope of work associated with the eRulemaking Initiative focuses on enhancing public and agency staff access to federal rulemaking materials in order to further the goals of electronic government.

A major step in this initiative was the launch of the Web site www.regulations.gov was launched in January 2003. This site allows the public to search, view, and comment on any proposed rulemaking. Regulations.gov provides one-stop, online access to rules published by more than 160 different federal agencies.

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