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Test your knowledge!

1. When was the first Earth Day?

  • 1962
  • 1970
  • 1973
  • 1980

On April 22, 1970, 20 million people across America celebrated the first Earth Day. Read about the first Earth Day.


2. Which symbol means recycling?

  • state silhoutte
  • the EPA seal
  • three arrows in a circle
  • a heart

The national symbol for "recycle" is three arrows in a circle. The three arrows signify "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle." What you can do to recycle and reduce waste.


3. Which creates more pollution?

  • the average home
  • the average car
  • about the same

The average home creates more pollution than the average car. Use efficient Energy Star lighting as one way to reduce pollution. How to choose Energy Star lighting. | Use the Green Vehicle Guide for fuel-efficient cars.


4. Climate change may result from:

  • Natural factors, such as changes in the sun's intensity.
  • Natural processes, such as changes in ocean circulation.
  • Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels.
  • All of the above.

Climate change refers to any significant change in measures of climate (such as temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended period (decades or longer). Read about climate change.


Photo of children lowering black and white-colored disks on strings into a lake. 5. What are these kids doing?

  • skipping school
  • playing a game
  • checking water clarity
  • fishing for trout

These kids are using "secchi disks" to check how clear the water is. They are helping to monitor water quality where they live... all citizens can get involved and learn more about protecting water! Find out more about water volunteer monitoring. | How does a secchi disk help measure water quality?


6. AQI means:

  • A Quince Inside
  • Apres Quarantine Insights
  • Aquatic "Q" Indicators
  • Air Quality Index

The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a brief, easy-to-read report of daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and about health effects that might be a concern for you. Find out more about your air quality.


Extra-credit question!
Where can you find Earth Day activities where you live?

  • At school and on community bulletin boards
  • From newpapers, radio, and TV
  • The Earth Day Web site
  • All of the above!

All of the above: Many schools and neighborhoods will have events where you can learn about ecology and how you can help protect environment. Many cities and towns will have clean-up events or festivals where everyone pitches in to help. You can find even more listings of events online. Many events are scheduled a few days before Earth Day on April 22, so be sure look ahead of time, too! Earth Day Web site list of events and more links.

Go to the Earth Day home page.

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