Office of Acquisition and Property Management

What We Do

PAM's major functional areas of responsibility are:

Acquisition and Assistance - intitiates, develops and prescribes Departmental policies and regulations and represents the Department on a number of inter-agency forums. The Office manages Department-wide reporting systems and establishes and implements performance measures and management controls. It initiates, develops and prescribes the Department's financial assistance program and career management policies in the areas of grants, cooperative agreements, and other types of assistance. It also coordinates and works closely with Interior's bureaus through the Acquisition Managers Partnership, an inter-bureau forum that seeks opportunities to better support Interior's diverse missions and customers. Performance of these functions affects all Interior bureaus and offices, which collectively process an annual volume of approximately 85,097 procurement transactions totaling about $1.4 billion, excluding purchase card activity. The Department processes over 6,175 financial assistance actions within 98 different programs totaling about $2.8 billion. In addition, during FY 2000, over 1.1 million purchase card transactions totaling $393 million were issued Department-wide. The combined procurement and assistance transactions now total over one-third of the Interior budget.

Property Management - initiates, develops and implements Interior's policies for management and accountability of real land personal property. The Office establishes and implements performance measures and management controls. It coordinates and works closely with Interior's bureaus through the Property Management Partnership, an inter-bureau forum that seeks opportunities to strengthen the management of our physical assets to better support our diverse missions and customers. Types of property include:

Automated Systems - provides leadership in planning, development, implementation, and operation of Department- wide automated procurement, Federal assistance, energy, data, and property systems. The objectives of these systems are to:

The Office leads inter-bureau team efforts and directs the National Business Center and contractor support efforts to develop standardized approaches for automated procurement systems, and the system used to manage the Department's integrated charge card program. Through the Department's Property Management Partnership, the Office is pursuing standardized approaches for automated property systems.

Other Major Efforts - In addition, the Office represents the Department and coordinates bureau participation on interagency committees. The Office participates in the development of changes and reforms and provides Department-wide guidance on implementing changes related to:

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