Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/17/97

Series: Organization

Part 112: Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 11: Office of Acquisition and Property Management

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management

112 DM 11

11.1 Office of Acquisition and Property Management. The Office of Acquisition and Property Management is responsible for all policy aspects of Departmentwide functions related to acquisition and Federal assistance [grants and cooperative agreements], real and personal property, space management policy, energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy programs, and fleet management and related automated systems. The Office provides executive level leadership and direction, coordinates policy development, program evaluation and guidance, and provides advocacy and support for program and bureau operations in all of its functional areas.

11.2 Functions. This Office performs the following functions relating to its assigned responsibilities:

A. Provides technical guidance and assistance to bureaus and offices to facilitate accomplishment of program goals and missions.

B. Prepares for publication and maintains appropriate Departmental regulations, policies, procedures, and data.

C. Represents the Department and/or coordinates bureau participation on all functionally-related interagency committees, taskforces/working groups, as well as steering and advisory committees working on the development and modification of Governmentwide policies.

D. Serves as principal focal point and liaison office for the Department in dealing with external organizations, such as the Office of Management and Budget's Office of Federal Procurement Policy, which establish and coordinate Governmentwide policies and procedures in the office's functional areas.

E. Reviews regulations, policy, and operational matters relative to assigned duties which require Departmental approval, and advises and makes appropriate recommendations.

F. Chairs or directs the activity of Departmental or interbureau committees established to develop Departmental policy, exchange information, and standardize procedures and the automation of systems in order to improve service to customers.

G. Promotes the career development, professional training, and effective reassignment between bureaus and offices of staff engaged in functions administered by the office, and participates in interagency activities related to these initiatives.

H. Prepares policies and procedures for systems development and facilitates implementation of integrated automated administrative systems in procurement, Federal assistance, energy, real and personal property, and fleet management activities.

11.3 Organization. The Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management has responsibility for functions related to acquisition and Federal assistance, real and personal property management, space management policy, energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable programs, and fleet management and related automated systems. The authority of the Director is set forth in 212 DM 11. The Director is assisted by the Director, Procurement and Property Management Systems and program analysts in the immediate Office of the Director, and by a staff of functional analysts in procurement, property, energy management, Federal assistance and systems automation. The Office provides technical guidance and mission support to the Secretary and the bureaus on a wide range of issues and problems relative to the functional areas of acquisition and Federal assistance, real and personal property management, energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy programs, and fleet management. Each staff member serves as lead analyst on specific initiatives and programs, working collaboratively with bureau staff in workgroups and teams as necessary to facilitate consensus and ensure a high level of responsiveness to the needs of the Secretary, the bureaus, and external agencies and organizations.

12/17/97 #3182

Replaces 2/9/96 #3052

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