2009 Supplemental for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Pandemic Flu
- Summary
- Obey Statement
The supplemental request the committee will consider on Thursday is fairly close to the Administration’s request.

- Fact Sheet: Afghanistan and Pakistan

- Fact Sheet: Compensating our Troops for Stop-Loss

Obey Statement on Pandemic Funding
 Because we need to become prepared as soon as possible, I intend to again request additional funds in the upcoming supplemental.

House Announces Further Earmark Reforms
 Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Appropriations Chairman Dave Obey (D-WI) announced two additional measures to the committee’s earmarking process.

H. J. Res. 38 - Continuing Resolution
 The House passed the continuing resolution on a vote of 328 to 50.

FY 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act

- Press Release
- Bill Text and Explanatory Statements
- Summary: Agriculture
- Summary: Commerce, Justice, Science
- Summary: Energy and Water Development
- Summary: Financial Services
- Summary: Interior and the Environment
- Summary: Labor, Health and Education
- Summary: Legislative Branch
- Summary: State and Foreign Operations
- Summary: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development

American Recovery and
 Reinvestment – Conference Report

 - Obey Statement: Floor Debate
 - Summary Overview
 - Detailed Summary
 - Accountability Provisions
 - Bill Text - Division A
 - Bill Text - Division B
 - Joint Statement - Division A
 - Joint Statement - Division B

Summary Update: American Recovery and
 Reinvestment – As Passed by the House

 The House passed the bill on a vote of 244 to 188.

Summary Update: American Recovery and
 Reinvestment - As Passed by the Full Committee

 - Full Committee Recorded Votes
 - Text of Bill to be Introduced in House 1/26/09

Summary: American Recovery and Reinvestment -
 Chairman's Mark

 - Bill Text
 - Report Text
 - Economic Analysis

Economic Recovery: This Nation Asks for Action  and Action Now
 Economists tell Steering and Policy Forum that the nation  cannot wait for an economic recovery bill.

Committee Democrats Announce Subcommittee  Memberships

Obey and Inouye Announce Additional Earmark  Reforms
 Three significant changes will further increase transparency  and reduce funding levels for earmarks, building on reforms  brought about in the last Congress.

Press Releases

Hearing - Select Intelligence Oversight Panel
Intelligence Community Research and Development
5:00 PM, H-140 The Capitol

Hearing - Legislative Branch Subcommittee
Members of Congress and Public Witnesses
10:00 AM, H-144 The Capitol

Hearing - Legislative Branch Subcommittee
House of Representatives Budget
10:00 AM, H-144 The Capitol

Hearing - Military Construction Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
Army Budget
10:00 AM, H-143 The Capitol

Hearing - Military Construction Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
Navy, Marine Corps Budget
2:00 PM, H-143 The Capitol

Full Committee Markup
FY2009 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
10:00 AM, 2359 Rayburn


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