Corporation for National and Community Service

 Senior Corps  AmeriCorps  Learn and Serve America

Monday, December 08, 2008

Office of the Acting CEO


The Economic Downturn and National Service

Dear Colleagues,

During this holiday season, citizens across America are feeling the harmful effects of the nation’s economic crisis. While demand for social services is increasing, we know that many nonprofits and national service programs on the front lines of providing help are facing reductions in government and private sector funding.

At the Corporation, we are keenly aware of the seriousness of this situation and are looking for ways to help. I have asked our staff to review administrative, matching, and other requirements to see where we may be able to provide flexibility. We are also exploring possible legislative options that could provide relief.

To ensure we have identified all of the possibilities, we also want to hear from you. This week, our Program Directors will follow up with information about how you can share your input. We want to know what you are experiencing, where the greatest problems are, and any ideas you have for relief.

The programs you support are essential to tackling the challenges Americans are facing in this period of economic uncertainty. We look forward to hearing your ideas and supporting your vital work.


Nicola Goren
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Corporation for National and Community Service



VIEWED ON: Thursday, May 07, 2009