Table A.—Summary National Income and Product Accounts, 1992

[Billions of dollars]

Line Presently published Preliminary revised Revision Line Presently published Preliminary revised Revision
Account 1.—National Income and Product Account
1 Compensation of employees 3,644.9 3,644.9 0 36 Personal consumption expenditures (2-3) 4,219.8 4,208.7 -11.1
2 Wage and salary accruals 2,970.6 2,970.6 0 37 Durable goods 488.5 470.8 -17.7
3 Disbursements (2-7) 2,986.4 2,986.4 0 38 Nondurable goods 1,321.8 1,320.9 -.9
4 Wage accruals less disbursements (3-8 and 5-5) -15.8 -15.8 0 39 Services 2,409.4 2,417.0 7.6
5 Supplements to wages and salaries 674.3 674.3 0
6 Employer contributions for social insurance (3-16) 323.0 323.0 0 40 Gross private domestic investment (5-1) 790.4 796.4 6.0
7 Other labor income (2-8) 351.3 351.3 0 41 Fixed investment 783.4 791.0 7.6
42 Nonresidential 557.9 565.3 7.4
8 Proprietors' income with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments (2-9). 423.8 423.9 .1 43 Structures 169.2 172.2 3.0
44 Producers' durable equipment 388.7 393.1 4.4
9 Rental income of persons with capital consumption adjustment (2-10). 79.4 73.2 -6.2 45 Residential 225.6 225.7 .1
46 Change in business inventories 7.0 5.4 -1.6
10 Corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 428.0 429.0 1.0
11 Corporate profits with inventory valuation adjustment 398.9 399.9 1.0 47 Net exports of goods and services -29.5 -29.0 .5
12 Profits before tax 406.4 407.4 1.0 48 Exports (4-1)/1/ 639.4 637.4 -2.0
13 Profits tax liability (3-13) 143.0 143.0 0 49 Imports (4-4)/1/ 669.0 666.5 -2.5
14 Profits after tax 263.4 264.4 1.0
15 Dividends (2-12) 169.5 169.5 0 50 Government consumption expenditures and gross investment (3-1 and 5-2). 1,263.8 1,257.8 -6.0
16 Undistributed profits 93.9 94.9 1.0 51 Federal 528.0 525.9 -2.1
17 Inventory valuation adjustment -7.5 -7.5 0 52 National defense 375.8 375.0 -.8
18 Capital consumption adjustment 29.1 29.1 0 53 Nondefense 152.2 150.9 -1.3
54 State and local 735.8 731.9 -3.9
19 Net interest (2-15) 414.3 409.3 -5.0
20 National income 4,990.4 4,980.3 -10.1
21 Business transfer payments 28.4 28.1 -.3
22 To persons (2-19) 22.5 22.5 0
23 To the rest of the world (4-9) 5.8 5.5 -.3
24 Indirect business tax and nontax liability (3-14) 505.6 505.6 0
25 Less: Subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises (3-7) 27.1 27.1 0
26 Consumption of fixed capital (5-7) 713.5 713.5 0
27 Private (5-8) 585.4 585.4 0
28 Government (5-9) 128.2 128.2 0
29 General government (5-10) 110.2 110.2 0
30 Government enterprises (5-11) 18.0 18.0 0
31 Gross national income 6,210.7 6,200.3 -10.4
32 Less: Receipts of factor income from the rest of the world (4-2) 137.9 138.5 .6
33 Plus: Payments of factor income to the rest of the world (4-5) 126.8 126.3 -.5
34 Gross domestic income 6,199.6 6,188.1 -11.5
35 Statistical discrepancy (5-14) 44.8 45.8 1.0
GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT 6,244.4 6,233.9 -10.5 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT 6,244.4 6,233.9 -10.5
Account 2.—Personal Income and Outlay Account
1 Personal tax and nontax payments (3-12) 650.5 650.5 0 7 Wage and salary disbursements (1-3) 2,986.4 2,986.4 0
2 Personal outlays 4,341.0 4,332.6 -8.4 8 Other labor income (1-7) 351.3 351.3 0
3 Personal consumption expenditures (1-36) 4,219.8 4,208.7 -11.1
4 Interest paid by persons (2-17) 111.7 111.7 0 9 Proprietors' income with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments (1-8). 423.8 423.9 .1
5 Personal transfer payments to the rest of the world (net) (4-7) 9.6 12.3 2.7
6 Personal saving (5-4) 285.6 283.0 -2.6 10 Rental income of persons with capital consumption adjustment (1-9) 79.4 73.2 -6.2
11 Personal dividend income 159.4 159.4 0
12 Dividends (1-15) 169.5 169.5 0
13 Less: Dividends received by government (3-6) 10.1 10.1 0
14 Personal interest income 667.2 662.2 -5.0
15 Net interest (1-19) 414.3 409.3 -5.0
16 Net interest paid by government (3-5) 141.2 141.2 0
17 Interest paid by persons (2-4) 111.7 111.7 0
18 Transfer payments to persons 858.2 858.2 0
19 From business (1-22) 22.5 22.5 0
20 From government (3-3) 835.7 835.7 0
21 Less: Personal contributions for social insurance (3-17) 248.4 248.4 0
PERSONAL TAXES, OUTLAYS, AND SAVING 5,277.2 5,266.1 -11.1 PERSONAL INCOME 5,277.2 5,266.1 -11.1
Account 3.—Government Receipts and Expenditures Account
1 Consumption expenditures (1-50) 1,054.7 1,052.7 -2.0 12 Personal tax and nontax payments (2-1) 650.5 650.5 0
2 Transfer payments 852.3 852.6 .3 13 Corporate profits tax liability (1-13) 143.0 143.0 0
3 To persons (2-20) 835.7 835.7 0
4 To the rest of the world (net) (4-8) 16.6 16.9 .3 14 Indirect business tax and nontax liability (1-24) 505.6 505.6 0
5 Net interest paid (2-16) 141.2 141.2 0 15 Contributions for social insurance 571.4 571.4 0
16 Employer (1-6) 323.0 323.0 0
6 Less: Dividends received by government (2-13) 10.1 10.1 0
17 Personal (2-21) 248.4 248.4 0
7 Subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises (1-25) 27.1 27.1 0
8 Less: Wage accruals less disbursements (1-4) 0 0 0
9 Current surplus or deficit (-), national income and product accounts (5-12) -194.6 -192.9 1.7
10 Federal -280.9 -279.2 1.7
11 State and local 86.3 86.3 0
Account 4.—Foreign Transactions Account
1 Exports of goods and services (1-48)/1/ 639.4 637.4 -2.0 4 Imports of goods and services (1-49)/1/ 669.0 666.5 -2.5
2 Receipts of factor income (1-32) 137.9 138.5 .6 5 Payments of factor income (1-33) 126.8 126.3 -.5
3 Capital grants received by the United States (net) (5-13) 0 0 0 6 Transfer payments to the rest of the world (net) 32.0 34.7 2.7
7 From persons (net) (2-5) 9.6 12.3 2.7
8 From government (net) (3-4) 16.6 16.9 .3
9 From business (1-23) 5.8 5.5 -.3
10 Net foreign investment (5-3) -50.5 -51.6 -1.1
Account 5.—Gross Saving and Investment Account
1 Gross private domestic investment (1-40) 790.4 796.4 6.0 4 Personal saving (2-6) 285.6 283.0 -2.6
2 Gross government investment (1-50) 209.1 205.1 -4.0 5 Wage accruals less disbursements (private) (1-4) -15.8 -15.8 0
3 Net foreign investment (4-10) -50.5 -51.6 -1.1 6 Undistributed corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 115.5 116.5 1.0
7 Consumption of fixed capital (1-26) 713.5 713.5 0
8 Private (1-27) 585.4 585.4 0
9 Government (1-28) 128.2 128.2 0
10 General government (1-29) 110.2 110.2 0
11 Government enterprises (1-30) 18.0 18.0 0
12 Government current surplus or deficit (-), national income and product accounts (3-9). -194.6 -192.9 1.7
13 Capital grants received by the United States (net) (4-3) 0 0 0
14 Statistical discrepancy (1-35) 44.8 45.8 1.0

1. The preliminary revised values of exports and imports differ from those in the I-O accounts by U.S. goods returned from other countries, reexports of foreign goods, and foreign-to-foreign transactions. In the I-O accounts, these items are subtracted from both exports and imports.

NOTE.—Numbers in parentheses indicate accounts and items of counterentry in the accounts. For example, the counterentry for wage and salary disbursements (2-7), is in account 2 line 7.

Source: Presently published estimates appear in the August 1997 SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS.