Table 1.—Principal Source Data and Estimating Methods Used in Preparing Estimates of Current-Dollar GDP

Component (billions of dollars) Subcomponent (billions of dollars) Annual estimates: Source data and methods used to determine level for benchmark and other years or used to prepare an extrapolator or interpolator Advance quarterly estimates: Source data and methods used to prepare an extrapolator
Product side (GDP of $8,110.9 billion for 1997)
Personal consumption expenditures
Durable and nondurable goods:
Most goods (except subcomponents listed separately)
Benchmark years—Commodity-flow method, starting with manufacturers' shipments from Census Bureau quinquennial census and including an adjustment for exports and imports from Census Bureau foreign trade data.
Other years—Retail-control method, using retail sales from Census Bureau annual survey of retail trade or, for most recent year, monthly survey of retail trade.
Same as annual for most recent year.
New autos
Physical quantity purchased times average retail price: Unit sales, information to allocate sales among consumers and other purchasers, and average list price with options, all from trade sources. Transportation charges, dealer discounts, and rebates, from Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly survey of auto sales prices. Sales tax rate from Census Bureau annual survey of retail trade. Same as annual.
Net purchases of used autos
Benchmark years—For net transactions, change in consumer stock of autos from trade sources. For dealers' margin, retail sales from Census Bureau quinquennial census and margin rate from Census Bureau annual survey of retail trade.
Other years except most recent—For net transactions, same as benchmark years. For dealers' margin, franchised dealers' unit sales times sales price, from trade sources, times margin rate for independent dealers from Census Bureau annual survey of retail trade; independent dealers' margin from Census Bureau annual survey of retail trade.
Most recent year—For net transactions, same as benchmark years. For dealers' margin, for franchised dealers, unit sales and sales price from trade sources; for independent dealers, sales from Census Bureau monthly survey of retail trade.
For net transactions, residual based on net sales by other sectors. For dealers' margin, unit sales of franchised dealers from trade source and sales price from Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index for used cars.
New trucks
Benchmark years—Commodity-flow method, starting with manufacturers' shipments from Census Bureau quinquennial census and including an adjustment for exports and imports from Census Bureau foreign trade data.
Other years except most recent—Abbreviated commodity-flow method, starting with manufacturers' shipments from Census Bureau annual survey and including an adjustment for exports and imports from Census Bureau foreign trade data.
Most recent year—Physical quantity purchased times average retail price: Unit sales, information to allocate sales among consumers and other purchasers, and average list price, all from trade sources.
Same as annual for most recent year.
Gasoline and oil/2/
Benchmark years—Physical quantity purchased times average retail price: Gallons consumed from the Department of Transportation, and information to allocate that total among consumers and other purchasers, from Federal agencies and trade sources, and average retail price from Census Bureau quinquennial census.
Other years except most recent—Same as benchmark years, except average retail price from the Energy Information Administration.
Most recent year—Physical quantity purchased times average retail price: Gallons consumed and average price, from the Energy Information Administration.
Same as annual for most recent year.

Table 1, page 2