Table 1.—Major Statistical Changes

Change Components Initial year of revision
Product-side changes
Commodity distribution of PCE for goodsPCE1993
Improved estimates of new autosPCE, private nonresidential equipment and software1988
Improved estimates of used autosPCE, private nonresidential equipment and software1993
Improved estimates of electricity servicesPCE1959
Improved estimates of change in private inventoriesChange in private inventories
For construction in the "all other" category1959
For mining in the "all other" category1977
Income-side changes
Improved estimates of farm proprietors' incomeFarm proprietors' income1969
Improved estimates of rental income from nonfarm nonresidential propertiesRental income of persons1929
Improved estimates of interest receipts of captive finance companiesNet interest1988
Improved estimates of partnership incomeNonfarm proprietors' income1987
Improved adjustment for foreign factor incomeCorporate profits1987
Improved adjustments for differences in the definition of investmentCorporate profits, nonfarm proprietors' income, CCA1986
Improved depreciation-related changes:
Personal computersCFC, CCAdj1982
Highways and streetsCFC1929
Abandoned nuclear power plantsCFC, CCA, CCAdj1984
State and local government taxesState and local government receipts, IBT1985
Quantities and prices
Improved estimates of banking servicesPCE, government consumption expenditures and gross investment, exports1929
Improved estimates of gross product of nonfinancial corporate businessGross corporate product1977
New prices:
For operating expenses for private higher educationPCE1988
For operating expenses for other nonprofit institutions serving individualsPCE1993
For expenditures in the U.S. by nonresidentsPCE1988
For brokers' commissions on sale of structuresPrivate nonresidential structures1996
For semiconductorsChange in private inventories1983
For telephone switching equipmentExports and imports of goods1985
For computer parts and accessoriesExports and imports of goods1993
Chain-type indexes and contributions to change
Updated reference yearAll product components1929
Improved Fisher calculation of chain-type quantity and price indexesAll product components1947
Improved Federal Government indexesFederal Government consumption expenditures and gross investment1972
Improved formula for contributions to percent changeAll product components1958
Changes carried back from the 1997 and 1998 annual revisions/1/
Improved indicator for trust services of commercial banks (1998)PCE1991
Improved indicator for cellular telephone services (1998)PCE1985
Improved methodology for change in private inventories (1998)Change in private inventories, IVA1982
Improved quarterly and monthly estimates of Federal personal income taxes (1998)Federal Government receipts, personal tax and nontax payments1988
New prices:
Geometric-mean-type consumer price indexes (CPI's) (1998)PCE, government consumption expenditures and gross investment1978
For cellular telephone service (1998)PCE1987
For auto and truck leasing (1998)PCE1993
For "other professional (medical) services" (1998)PCE1987
For telephone switching and switchboard equipment (1997)Private nonresidential equipment and software1985
Improved timing adjustment for weapons systems (1997)Change in private inventories1991

1. The year in parentheses refers to the August issue of the SURVEY in which the change was described.

CCA Capital consumption allowance

CCAdj Capital consumption adjustment

CFC Consumption of fixed capital

IBT Indirect business taxes

IVA Inventory valuation adjustment

PCE Personal consumption expenditures