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May 8, 2009   
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U.S. Department of Labor E-Government Strategic Plan


Developing and implementing an E-Government program necessitate the management of certain risks. This section identifies the major risks to DOL’s program and the activities undertaken to mitigate those risks.


Public Confidence. The Department’s customers must be confident that they can conduct transactions with the Department in a secure environment, with the appropriate privacy protections. The public also has high expectations concerning the quality and timeliness of service provided by the Department. DOL risks losing public trust and confidence if it does not actively pursue its efforts to become a digital department and to successfully execute its E-Government strategy. To mitigate this risk, DOL will develop action plans and measure its progress toward achieving its E-Government strategy.


Budgetary Issues. The Department has established a budget strategy to support its E-Government strategy. The budget strategy includes integrated budget guidance, coordination with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Budget Center, and the categorization of enterprise-wide cross-cutting initiatives in the Department. This approach supports DOL’s larger E-Government objectives in several ways. For example, the Presidential Priority Initiatives Budget Crosscut enables DOL to ensure that departmental initiatives support Federal efforts, and the Enterprise Architecture Budget Crosscut enables the Department to assess and fund the initiatives that form the E-Government foundation.

DOL’s ability to implement its E-Government strategy will depend on the outcome of the appropriations process. Therefore, the Department will continue to work closely with OMB and the Congress to ensure support for the E-Government Framework.

Managing Change. The ultimate success of DOL’s E-Government strategy will depend on
the Department’s ability to effectively address cultural and organizational barriers. Successful implementation requires an approach that emphasizes collaboration, communication, consensus building, and coaching. It will also require significant training and education to effect and institutionalize organization-wide change. Finally, change management strategies will have to be applied across traditional agency boundaries to better serve common customer groups.

Legal Issues. The Department will continue its current practice of collecting, maintaining, using, and disseminating identifiable personal information and data only as authorized by law and as necessary to carry out mission responsibilities. It will also evaluate other legal issues that arise throughout the implementation of the E-Government strategy, with a consistent focus on being as responsive as possible to customer needs.

Records Management Issues. The Department will ensure that its records management program is consistent with guidance provided by the National Archives and Records Administration, as it pertains to E-Government, including the Records Management Guidance for Agencies Implementing Electronic Signature Technologies.

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