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OPP Office Advisory Committee


May 4 – 5, 2009 • Stafford I — Room 1235

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Time Topic OAC  Lead NSF/Other Lead
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8:30 Introduction and Approval of Minutes Andrea Lloyd  
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8:45 OPP Director’s Report (including budget outlook) Andrea Lloyd Karl Erb
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9:15 NSF International Polar Year (IPY)Efforts, Looking Forward Eric Saltzman Simon Stephenson
Scott Borg
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10:00 Break    
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10:30 Recovery Act Funding and NSF Goals Marika Holland Karl Erb
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Planning for 2009 Committee of Visitors (COV) Meetings:

  • NSF Requirements (10:45)

  • Arctic COV (11:00)

  • Antarctic Science and Antarctic Infrastructure & Logistics COVs (11:20)

Andrea Lloyd

Mark Engebretson
Terry Wilson

Michael Van Woert
Simon Stephenson
Scott Borg
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11:40 Preparation for Lunch Andrea Lloyd  
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12:00 Lunch with the NSF Deputy Director Andrea Lloyd Karl Erb
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COV Planning


  • Arctic Break-out Session (1:00)
Andrea Lloyd Simon Stephenson
  • Antarctic Break-out Session (1:00)
Mark Engebretson
Terry Wilson
Scott Borg,
Brian Stone
  • COV groups prepare briefings for full committee (2:00)
Andrea Lloyd,
Mark Engebretson,
Terry Wilson
  • Discussion of taskings and plans (2:30)
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3:00 Break    
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3:30 McMurdo Station Resupply; Southern Ocean Ice-Strengthened Research Platforms: Future Challenges H. Donald Ratliff George Blaisdell, Alexandria Isern
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4:00 OPP Clean Energy Initiatives in Alaska, Greenland, and Antarctica John Kovac Patrick Haggerty, George Blaisdell
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4:30 Strategic Planning: Introductory Discussion Andrea Lloyd Karl Erb,
Michael Van Woert
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5:00 Discussion/Wrap-up/Return to earlier issues Andrea Lloyd Karl Erb,
Michael Van Woert
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5:30 Adjourn    
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Time Topic OAC Lead NSF/Other Lead
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8:30 January 2009 U.S. Arctic Policy Statement Kevin Speer Karl Erb
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9:00 Arctic Council and Antarctic Treaty Meetings: International IPY Follow-up and other issues Bernice Joseph TBD
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9:30 NSF Climate Change Research Initiative Eric Saltzman Timothy Kileen, GEO
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10:00 Break    
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10:30 Strategic Planning — Developing high-level goals and strategies for polar research for future decades Andrea Lloyd NSF/OPP Staff
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12:00 Lunch    
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1:00 April Summit Station Search and Rescues Investigation Gretchen Hofmann

Michael Van Woert,
Simon Stephenson

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1:30 NSF's Broader Impacts Review Criterion: Have proposers and reviewers become comfortable with it? Marika Holland  
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2:00 Transformational Research: Finding strategies for enhancing opportunities Marigold Linton Roberta Marinelli,
Neil Swanberg
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2:30 Concluding Discussions Andrea Lloyd  
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3:00 Adjourn    
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Last updated: 04/30/2009
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National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs (OPP)
The National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: (703) 292-5111 , FIRS: (800) 877-8339 | TDD: (800) 281-8749
Last Updated:
Apr 30, 2009
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Last Updated: Apr 30, 2009