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President's Proposed EPA Budget Provides Strengthened Environmental Protection

Administrator Jackson: "With these proposed resources, and the president's strong environmental agenda, it should be overwhelmingly clear that EPA is back on the job."

Contact: Enesta Jones, 202-564-7873/ 4355 / jones.enesta@epa.gov

(Washington, D.C. – Feb. 26, 2009) The Obama administration today proposed a budget of $10.5 billion for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the largest in the agency's 39-year history. The increase of $3 billion from 2008 funding levels will further ensure the protection of public health and the environment for all Americans.

"The president's budget proposes critical resources to protect the American people and the places where they live, work and play," said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. "We are no longer faced with the false choice of a strong economy or a clean environment. The president's budget shows that making critical and responsible investments in protecting the health and environment of all Americans will also lead to a more vibrant and stable economy. With these proposed resources, and the president's strong environmental agenda, it should be overwhelmingly clear that EPA is back on the job."

Last week, President Obama announced the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which includes $7.22 billion for EPA-administered projects and programs to protect human health and the environment.

Some key highlights of 2010 budget initiatives include:

More information on EPA's FY 2010 budget request.

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