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Exotic Species

To learn more about the major threats to aquatic biodiversity please select from the following:

A leading cause of biodiversity loss in many aquatic ecosystems is the introduction of exotic species. An exotic species is a non-native plant or animal deliberately or accidentally introduced into a new habitat. Such species include plants, fishes, algae, mollusks, crustaceans, bacteria, and viruses. Such species that are able to reproduce and survive outside of the habitats where they evolved are also referred to as alien, introduced, invasive, non-native, or non-indigenous. (See the Minnesota DNR in their "Exotic Aquatic Plants and Animals Guide". Exit EPA Disclaimer and EPA's Web Site on "Invasive Species")

There are many ways that exotic species are introduced into freshwater areas including the release of pet fish or foreign species brought in for entertainment in public or commercial aquariums or for education. In addition, the demand for bait fish, the captive rearing of fish and the unintentional transfer of species by ship ballast waterExit EPA Disclaimer (link is to the Coast Guard "Ballast Management" Web site) all contribute to the introduction of exotic species in freshwater areas (Crossman 1991). However, typically exotic species are introduced into marine areas by means of transplanting or commercial shipping. It has been reported that ship ballast water is responsible for the transport of approximately 3,000 species worldwide each day.

Purple loosestrife (USEPA/GLNPO)

Exotic species can have many negative impacts on the environment, the economy, and human health. When species are introduced into an area, they may cause increased predation and competition, disease, habitat destruction, genetic stock alterations, and even extinction. Approximately 68% of fish species lost in North America over the last century were caused by an invasion of exotic species (Miller et. al, 1989). The invasion of exotic species has also caused the economy to suffer through the obstruction of industrial and municipal water pipes and the displacement or elimination of important commercial and sport fishing species. Public health may also be negatively impacted. For example, in a number of coastal areas in the United States, cholera strains carried in the ballast water of some commercial trade ships contaminated numerous oyster and fin-fish populations, making them unsafe for consumption.

Read about one of the latest threats to aquatic ecosystems in many states - the Northern Snakehead fish.

Learn about the Exotic Zebra Mussel Exit EPA Disclaimerfrom the U.S. Department of Agricultural Library.

How Exotic Species Reach Rivers, Streams, and Lakes

The most common ways for exotic species to arrive in aquatic habitats are:

Asian Clam

How Exotic Species Harm Rivers, Streams, and Lakes

Non-native species have earned their negative reputation as "invader species" because of their great success at survival. A non-native animal may survive better than a native, not only because it has no natural enemies in the new environment, but because it grows more quickly or in less favorable conditions than natives. This causes increased competition for resources by native species.

Exotic plants will:

Lamprey (photo by Wayne Davis USEPA)

Exotic animals tend to:

South American Nutria (USGS)

Losses for humans from exotic species include:

Additional Resources

Purple loosestrife (NBII)

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