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International Marketing


The international staff provides export and promotional assistance by introducing Illinois food and agribusiness companies to the global market through arranging participation in trade shows where buyers can view, learn about and sometimes sample goods produced, processed or packaged in Illinois. Through offices in Hong Kong and Mexico, the department collects and forwards trade leads, coordinates industry tours and international missions and plans promotional displays.

Export and Promotional Assistance

  • Promotional Events -
    • The department manages an active schedule of promotional events each year. International trade exhibitions, trade missions, catalog and sample shows, and restaurant and in-store promotions are just some of the ways Illinois companies can introduce products and heighten visibility internationally. In addition, at many large international trade shows, Illinois companies can obtain booth space in an Illinois exhibit. Department-sponsored exhibits provide companies an economical way to participate in major promotional events.

  • Trade Missions -
    • Arrange and host trade missions to foreign countries to help Illinois companies meet prospective international clients. Companies can use these missions to negotiate agreements for product distribution and to discuss licensing arrangements, joint ventures or other business possibilities.

  • Export Assistance -
    • Companies may obtain from the department useful advice for responding to a variety of challenges related to international trade. Available advice covers topics such as export procedures and import requirements.

  • Trade Leads -
    • Gather and process trade leads for Illinois food and agribusiness companies. Leads are distributed to Illinois companies through the agency's database, which is continually updated and revised.

  • Seminars -
    • Informational seminars are sponsored by the department in cooperation with trade associations and other state and federal agencies to assist Illinois companies in expanding their exporting efforts.

  • Hosting Foreign Buyers -
    • International visitors and buying teams are hosted regularly by the department. Staff arranges meetings between international buyers and Illinois companies and provides information and logistical assistance to bring buyers and sellers together.

Market Access Program

The Market Access Program (MAP), formerly the Market Promotion Program, uses funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to help U.S. producers, exporters, private companies, and other trade organizations finance promotional activities for U.S. agricultural products. The MAP encourages the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for agricultural commodities. Activities financed include consumer promotions, market research, technical assistance, and trade servicing.

 Branded Program

This cost-share funding program provides financial assistance to help midwestern food and agricultural exporters promote their products in international markets.  Participants in this federally-funded program receive 50% cost reimbursement for a variety of overseas marketing and promotional expenses.

MIATCO's Branded Program:  A Cost-Share Funding Program

Branded Program Overview

Eligible Domestic Trade Shows

 Foreign Agriculture Service

The Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) offers a number of programs for individuals or companies who plan to export their agriculture product, including: export counseling, trade shows, trade leads, U.S. suppliers lists, foreign buyer lists and foreign market research. FAS also provides a number of programs to help U.S. exporters of agriculture products.

 International Offices

The Illinois Department of Agriculture maintains two foreign offices to assist Illinois Companies in their exporting efforts. Through offices in Hong Kong and Mexico, the department collects and forwards trade leads, coordinates industry tours and international missions, and plans promotional displays. These offices help provide a competitive edge for Illinois firms pursuing international buyers.

Asian Office

China - Hong Kong Flag
Illinois Department of Agriculture
Room 2808, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Attn: Hailey Hui
Telephone: 011.852.2504.0123
Fax: 011.852.2576.5766

Latin American Office

Mexican Flag
Illinois Department of Agriculture
Latin America Office
Paseo de la Reforma 265, Piso 14
Col. Cuauhtemoc 06500
Mexico City
Amparo Garza-Lang, Trade Director
Phone USA:
Phone Mex 01.55.5533.5174
Fax: 5533.5163

Questions or comments.

Copyright © 2001
State of Illinois Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 19281, State Fairgrounds
Springfield, IL 62794-9281
(217) 782-2172
(217) 524-6858 TTY