Department of Water Resources Home
California's Water Resources
governor's website
Weir at Sacramento Bypass
Sacramento Weir Sediment Removal Public Notice
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is the Lead Agency for the Sacramento Weir Sediment Removal Project under the California Environmental Quality Act and has prepared a Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The public comment period is open from March 12, 2009 to April 12, 2009. A public open house is not scheduled for this project. If you have concerns or wish to have a public open house, please contact DWR. (03/12/2009)
arrow1.gif DWR Releases Final IRWM Region Acceptance Process Document
arrow1.gif DWR Releases Draft Compliance Document for AB 1420 Grants
arrow1.gif All DWR Recent News
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CA Water Plan

Public Review Draft, CA Water Plan Update 2009 Highlights The Public Review Draft of California's Water Plan Update 2009 is now available online for review and comment. Workshops will be held in Spring. Comments are due by June 5, 2009.




Delta Waterway DWR is the state lead in preparing the environmental review for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. The EIR/EIS evaluates the impacts of BDCP, including studies on new conveyance and ecosystem restoration.



California's Drought

dry pic California officially entered a drought in 2008, and all signs point to a dry 2009. The drought page includes up to date info on the Drought Water Bank, drought conditions, economic impacts and assistance.



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