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Federal Green Challenge Toolkit

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Federal agencies have an obligation and responsibility to lead by example and reduce our carbon footprint. We invite you to join EPA Region 4 and reduce your climate impacts by influencing the actions of your organization to reduce your carbon footprint.

Did you know...?
  • If the energy efficiency of commercial and industrial buildings in the U.S. improved 10 percent, Americans would save about $20 billion and reduce greenhouse gases equal to the emissions from about 30 million vehicles.
  • If a worker avoided using their car to commute to work just two days a week, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by an average of 1,600 pounds per year per worker.
  • By recycling all of its office paper waste for one year, an office building of 700 workers could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 57 metric tons of carbon equivalent (MTCE), when compared to landfilling. This is the equivalent to taking about 37 cars off the road that year.
  • An office of about 600 workers produces approximately 1292 tons of carbon through their energy usage. Reducing by 10% is equivalent to taking 20 passenger vehicles off the road.

On this page: Why participate? | Help is Available

What is the Federal Green Challenge Toolkit?

EPA Region 4 is working to reduce its carbon footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through management of energy, transportation, waste and water. We invite our Region 4 federal partners to utilize the following tools and join us in our efforts.

The following steps are recommended to reduce your agency's carbon footprint:
  1. Set a percentage reduction goal in any of the following focus areas. You can download the goal form to help guide you. Find help with goal setting in: Energy | Transportation | Waste | Water
  2. Establish a baseline for 2007 or 2008 in each of your chosen target areas. Information on setting baselines in: Energy | Transportation | Waste | Water;
  3. Work toward meeting your goals for at least 1 year. Suggestions for achieving these goals in: Energy | Transportation | Waste | Water;
  4. Measure your results at year's end.

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Why participate?

  1. Show leadership;
  2. Meet your EMS and Executive Order 13423 Requirements; and
  3. Achieve significant environmental benefits.
All of us have been implementing our EMS and working to meet our Executive Order 13423 (EO) commitments and are conscious of our leadership responsibilities as Federal Facilities. This new EO dramatically changed the landscape for federal agencies. It requires us to promote environmental stewardship and demonstrate results. It consolidates five prior executive orders and provides a more holistic approach to integration of energy and environmental considerations into federal agency missions. It requires us to act and lead to protect our natural resources. The Federal Green Challenge provides us with a way to act and lead together and to focus our efforts on high impact activities to reduce our GHG/Carbon footprint. The Challenge supports both our EO and EMS commitments and gets us real environmental results.

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Help is available

On Earth Day 2007, EPA Region 10 launched their Federal Green Challenge, a similar program challenging federal agencies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5% over a one year period. Several tools and resources were developed to help Region 10's partners meet their goals. You can also participate in monthly Web Academy webinars and also download presentations from Region 10's Federal Green Challenge Symposium.

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For information about the contents of this page, please contact R4FederalGreenChallenge@epa.gov.

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