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Governor's Commission on Community Service
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The Governor's Commission on Community Service presents the 2008 State Service Conference, October 6-7 in Estes Park, CO. Online Registration is now available for AmeriCorps, SeniorCorps, Learn and Serve, and Vista Members by clicking here . All others interested in attending must contact Jovan at 303-866-6426.

2008 Colorado Cares Day report
Autumn Newsletter
Mid Year report
Commission Meeting Calendar

Now recruiting AmeriCorps members

The Governor’s Commission on Community Service, under the Office of Lieutenant Governor Barbara O'Brien, promotes the ethic of service and volunteerism throughout Colorado, and carries out initiatives in the areas of mentoring and literacy. 

The Governor’s Commission supports and promotes volunteer service to all citizens as an effective means to address community needs and foster a collective commitment to lifelong community service. 

The Commission builds on the enthusiasm, dedication and combined expertise of individual citizens and public and private systems to expand civic participation and engagement in solving challenges faced by Colorado communities.


The Governor's Commission serves as a catalyst for the promotion and expansion of community service and volunteerism to all Colorado residents as an effective means to address civic and social issues and improve the overall well being of communities throughout the state.

  • To advocate for service and volunteerism as essential components in sustaining healthy Colorado communities.

  • To create mechanisms which facilitate greater cooperation, communication and partnerships among agencies working in the service and volunteerism fields.

  • To promote service and volunteerism as an integral component of education at all levels and as a lifelong responsibility.

  • To increase public awareness, appreciation, support and participation in service and volunteerism.

  • To increase financial support for volunteer initiatives from a broad range of public and private sources.

In addition to its national and community service charge, the Commission works to promote and expand volunteerism and civic participation through initiatives such as: Colorado Mentoring, which provides leadership in the area of youth mentoring; Colorado Cares, a statewide day of service, and Citizen Corps, an effort to encourage and prepare volunteers to respond to natural disasters/homeland security situations.



Governor's Commission on Community Service
Office of Lieutenant Governor Barbara O'Brien
225 E. 16th Ave., Suite B-52, Denver, CO  80203
PH:  303-866-6426
Toll Free: 866-333-2202
FAX:  303-866-2525