Table 1.—Revised NIPA Tables

Table number Table title/1/ Comments/2/
New Old
Summary Tables
A A Summary National Income and Product Accounts "Receipts of factor income" renamed "Income receipts," and "Payments of factor income" renamed "Income payments." "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories." "Government receipts" renamed "Government current receipts." "Capital grants received by the United States (net)" deleted.
S.1* Summary of Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product and Related Measures (A, 1930; Q, 1947) New summary table shows the same detail as table 1.1; other major aggregates shown in the addenda.
S.2* Summary of Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product (A, 1930; Q 1947) New summary table shows the same detail as table 1.1; additional contributions to percent change appear in tables 8.2-8.6.
1. National Product and Income
1.1* 1.1 Gross Domestic Product (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories."
1.2* 1.2 Real Gross Domestic Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Same as table 1.1.
1.2A 1.2A Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1937) Dollars (A, 1929-47) Same as table 1.1.
1.2B 1.2B Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1952) Dollars (A, 1942-62; Q, 1947-62) Same as table 1.1.
1.2C 1.2C Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1972) Dollars (A, 1962-82; Q, 1962-82) Same as table 1.1.
1.2D Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (1982) Dollars (A, 1972-92; Q, 1972-92) New table showing additional reference year—1982—for chained dollars.
1.3* 1.3 Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories."
1.4* 1.4 Real Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Same as table 1.3.
1.5* 1.5 Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Purchases, and Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers (A, 1929; Q, 1946) Same as table 1.3.
1.6* 1.6 Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Purchases, and Real Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Same as table 1.3.
1.7* 1.7 Gross Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929; Q, 1946) No change.
1.8* 1.8 Real Gross Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929; Q, 1947) No change.
1.9* 1.9 Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Net National Product, National Income, and Personal Income (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Receipts of factor income" renamed "Income receipts," and "Payments of factor income" renamed "Income payments."
1.10* 1.10 Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross National Product, and Real Net National Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Same as table 1.9.
1.11* 1.11 Command-Basis Real Gross National Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) "Receipts of factor income" renamed "Income receipts."
1.12 1.12 Net Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929) No change.
1.13 1.13 Real Net Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1982) No change.
1.14* 1.14 National Income by Type of Income (A, 1929; Q, 1946) No change.
1.15 1.15 National Income by Sector, Legal Form of Organization, and Type of Income (A, 1929) No change.
1.16* 1.16 Gross Product of Corporate Business in Current Dollars and Gross Product of Nonfinancial Corporate Business in Current and Chained Dollars (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Gross domestic product of corporate business" renamed "Gross product of corporate business," and "Gross domestic product of nonfinancial corporate business" renamed "Gross product of nonfinancial corporate business." "Net domestic product" renamed "Net product" for both corporate business and nonfinancial corporate business. Real gross product of nonfinancial corporate business recalculated.
2. Personal Income and Outlays
2.1* 2.1 Personal Income and Its Disposition (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Government employees retirement benefits" deleted under "Transfer payments to persons" to reflect revised treatment of government employee retirement plans.
2.2* 2.2 Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1946; Q, 1946) "Gasoline, fuel oil, and other energy goods" added under "Nondurable goods." "Recreation" added under "Services" and deleted under "Other" services. New addenda shown for "Energy goods and services" and for "Personal consumption expenditures less food and energy."
2.3* 2.3 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1987; Q, 1987) Same as table 2.2.
2.4 2.4 Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Expenditure (A, 1929) "Video and audio products, computing equipment, and musical instruments" renamed "Video and audio goods, including musical instruments, and computer goods," and new detail added. "Services furnished without payment by financial intermediaries except life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension plans" renamed "Services furnished without payment by financial intermediaries except life insurance carriers," and "Expense of handling life insurance" renamed "Expense of handling life insurance and pension plans."
2.5 2.5 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Expenditure (A, 1987) Same as table 2.4.
2.6 2.6 Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A, 1929) Same as table 2.4; "Gasoline, fuel oil, and other energy goods" added under "Nondurable goods," and "Recreation" and its detail added under "Services" and deleted under "Other services."
2.7 2.7 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A, 1929) Same as table 2.6.
2.8 2.8 Personal Income by Type of Income (A, 1959; M, 1959) No change.
2.9 2.9 Personal Income and Its Disposition (A, 1959; M, 1959) No change.
2.10 2.10 Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1959; M, 1959) No change.
2.11 2.11 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1987; M, 1987) No change.
3. Government Current Receipts and Expenditures
3.1* 3.1 Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Receipts" renamed "Current receipts" and redefined to reflect revised treatments of capital transfers and of government employee retirement plans. "Current expenditures" redefined to reflect revised treatments of capital transfers and of government employee retirement plans and the recognition of software as investment. New addenda shown for "Net lending or net borrowing," for "Capital transfers received (net)," and for related detail.
3.2* 3.2 Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A, 1929; Q, 1946) Same as table 3.1; "Estate and gift taxes" deleted because they are reclassified as capital transfers.
3.3* 3.3 State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (A, 1929; Q, 1946) Same as table 3.1.
3.4 3.4 Personal Tax and Nontax Receipts (A, 1929) "Estate and gift taxes" deleted under "Personal tax and nontax receipts," because they are reclassified as capital transfers.
3.5 3.5 Indirect Business Tax and Nontax Accruals (A, 1929) No change.
3.6 3.6 Contributions for Social Insurance (A, 1929) Social insurance funds redefined to exclude government employee retirement plans. Detail under "Employer contributions" and under "Personal contributions" for Federal and for State and local employee retirement deleted. Detail under "Unemployment insurance" renamed to agree with table 8.17.
3.7* 3.7 Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Government consumption expenditures and gross investment redefined to recognize software as investment and to exclude administrative expenses of government employee retirement plans. "Force- account construction" renamed "own-account investment" to reflect recognition of software as investment. "Equipment" renamed "Equipment and software."
3.8* 3.8 Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A, 1987; Q, 1987) Same as table 3.7.
3.9 3.9 Government Consumption Expenditures Gross and Net of Sales by Type (A, 1929) Government consumption expenditures and gross investment redefined to recognize software as investment and to exclude administrative expenses of government employee retirement plans.
3.10* 3.10 National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (A, 1972; Q, 1972) Same as table 3.7; "Electronics" renamed "Electronics and software."
3.11* 3.11 Real National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (A, 1987; Q 1987) Same as table 3.10.
3.12 3.12 Government Transfer Payments to Persons (A, 1929) Detail for Federal and for State and local employee retirement deleted to reflect the reclassification of government employee retirement plans. Detail under State and local changed to reflect reclassification of certain State and local programs.
3.13 3.13 Subsidies Less Current Surplus of Government Enterprises (A, 1960) No change.
3.14 3.14 Social Insurance Funds Current Receipts and Expenditures (A, 1929) Social insurance funds redefined to exclude government employee retirement plans. "Interest and dividends received" renamed "Interest received" to reflect the reclassification of government employee retirement plans.
3.15 Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function (A, 1952) New table that presents estimates of government consumption expenditures and gross investment by function for redefined functions. Estimates by function previously presented in discontinued tables 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. Changes to be presented in spring 2000.
3.16 Government Current Expenditures by Function (A, 1952) New table that presents estimates of government current expenditures by function for redefined functions. Estimates by function previously presented in discontinued tables 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. Changes to be presented in spring 2000.
3.17 Selected Government Current Expenditures by Function (A, 1952) New table that presents estimates of government transfer payments to persons, Federal grants-in-aid to State and local governments, and subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises by function for redefined functions. Estimates by function previously presented in discontinued tables 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. Changes to be presented in spring 2000.
3.18A 3.18A Relation of Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Consolidated Cash Statement, Fiscal Years (A, 1952-67; Q, 1959-67) Table redesigned to reflect revised treatments of capital transfers and of government employee retirement plans.
3.18B 3.18B Relation of Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Budget, Fiscal Years (A, 1968; Q, 1968) Table redesigned to reflect revised treatments of capital transfers and of government employee retirement plans. "Financing disbursements from credit programs" added under "Less: Coverage differences."
3.19 3.19 Relation of State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to Bureau of Census Government Finances Data, Fiscal Years (A, 1959) Table redesigned to reflect revised treatments of capital transfers and of government employee retirement plans.
3.20 3.20 Relation of Commodity Credit Corporation Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to Commodity Credit Corporation Outlays in the Budget (A, 1960) No change.
4. Foreign Transactions
4.1* 4.1 Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Receipts of factor income" renamed "Income receipts," and "Payments of factor income" renamed "Income payments." "Capital grants received by the United States (net)" deleted.
4.2* 4.2 Real Exports and Imports of Goods and Services and Receipts and Payments of Income (A, 1987; Q, 1987) "Receipts of factor income" renamed "Income receipts," and "Payments of factor income" renamed "Income payments."
4.3* 4.3 Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A, 1967; Q, 1967) Detail under "Other exports of goods" and under "Other imports of goods" deleted.
4.4* 4.4 Real Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A, 1987; Q, 1987) Same as table 4.3.
4.5A 4.5 Relation of Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to the Corresponding Items in the Balance of Payments Accounts (BPA's) (A, 1946-85) Table redesigned to reflect deletion of "Capital grants received by the United States, net, NIPA's"; series names revised to be consistent with names in the balance of payments accounts. "Receipts of factor income" renamed "Income receipts," and "Payments of factor income" renamed "Income payments."
4.5B Relation of Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to the Corresponding Items in the Balance of Payments Accounts (BPA's) (A, 1986) See table 4.5A; expanded table provides separate reconciliations for goods, services, incomes, and unilateral transfers.
5. Saving and Investment
5.1* 5.1 Gross Saving and Investment (A, 1929; Q, 1946) Same as table 4.1.
5.2 5.2 Gross and Net Investment by Major Type (A, 1929) Table changed to reflect recognition of software as investment. "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories." "Equipment" under " Gross government investment" renamed "Equipment and software."
5.3 5.3 Real Gross and Net Investment by Major Type (A, 1987) Same as table 5.2.
5.4* 5.4 Private Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1946; Q, 1946) Table changed to reflect recognition of software as investment. "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." "Information processing and related equipment" renamed "Information processing equipment and software." "Software" added under "Information processing equipment and software." "Transportation and related equipment" renamed "Transportation equipment." "Producers' durable equipment" under "Residential" renamed "Equipment."
5.5* 5.5 Real Private Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1987; Q, 1987) Same as table 5.4.
5.6 5.6 Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A, 1929) "Private purchases of structures" renamed "Private fixed investment in structures." "Mobile homes" renamed "Manufactured homes."
5.7 5.7 Real Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A, 1987) Same as table 5.6.
5.8 5.8 Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A, 1929) Same as table 5.4; "Private purchases of producers' durable equipment" renamed "Private fixed investment in equipment and software." "Office, computing, and accounting machinery" deleted. "Other" renamed "Office and accounting equipment."
5.9 5.9 Real Private Fixed Investment in Equipment by Type (A, 1987) Same as table 5.8.
5.10* 5.10 Change in Private Inventories by Industry Group (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Business inventories" renamed "Private inventories."
5.11* 5.11 Real Change in Private Inventories by Industry Group (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Same as table 5.10.
5.12* 5.12 Private Inventories and Domestic Final Sales of Business by Industry Group (Q, 1946) "Inventories" renamed "Private inventories."
5.13* 5.13 Real Private Inventories and Real Domestic Final Sales of Business by Industry Group (Q, 1947) Same as table 5.12.
5.14 5.14 Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1929) Table changed to reflect recognition of software as investment. "Equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." "Electronics" renamed "Electronics and software."
5.15 5.15 Real Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1987) Same as table 5.14.
5.16 Changes in Net Stock of Produced Assets (Fixed Assets and Inventories) (A, 1951) New table shows changes from beginning-of-year to end-of-year net stocks of produced assets (private and government fixed assets and private inventories) that result from investment, consumption of fixed capital, other changes in volume of assets, and revaluations.
6. Income and Employment by Industry
6.1A 6.1A National Income Without Capital Consumption Adjustment by Industry Group (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.1B 6.1B National Income Without Capital Consumption Adjustment by Industry Group (A, 1948-87; Q, 1948-87) No change.
6.1C* 6.1C National Income Without Capital Consumption Adjustment by Industry Group (A, 1948-87; Q, 1948-87) No change.
6.2A 6.2A Compensation of Employees by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.2B 6.2B Compensation of Employees by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.2C 6.2C Compensation of Employees by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.3A 6.3A Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.3B 6.3B Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.3C 6.3C Wage and Salary Accruals by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.4A 6.4A Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.4B 6.4B Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.4C 6.4C Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.5A 6.5A Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.5B 6.5B Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.5C 6.5C Full-Time Equivalent Employees by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.6A 6.6A Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.6B 6.6B Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.6C 6.6C Wage and Salary Accruals Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.7A 6.7A Self-Employed Persons by Industry Group (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.7B 6.7B Self-Employed Persons by Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.7C 6.7C Self-Employed Persons by Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.8A 6.8A Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.8B 6.8B Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.8C 6.8C Persons Engaged in Production by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.9B 6.9B Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.9C 6.9C Hours Worked by Full-Time and Part-Time Employees by Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.10B 6.10B Employer Contributions for Social Insurance by Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.10C 6.10C Employer Contributions for Social Insurance by Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.11A Other Labor Income by Industry Group and by Type (A, 1929-47) New table provides available estimates for 1929-47; same detail as table 6.11B.
6.11B 6.11B Other Labor Income by Industry Group and by Type (A, 1948-87) Table redesigned to reflect revised treatments of government employee retirement plans and of directors' fees. Aggregate and detail added for government employee retirement plans. Aggregate "Private welfare funds" added. Addenda expanded to show benefits from and personal contributions to government employee retirement plans.
6.11C 6.11C Other Labor Income by Industry Group and by Type (A, 1987) Same as table 6.11B.
6.12A 6.12A Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry Group (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.12B 6.12B Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.12C 6.12C Nonfarm Proprietors' Income by Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.13A 6.13A Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry Group (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.13B 6.13B Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.13C 6.13C Noncorporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.14A 6.14A Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and Industry Group (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.14B 6.14B Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.14C 6.14C Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.15A 6.15A Net Interest by Industry Group (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.15B 6.15B Net Interest by Industry Group (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.15C 6.15C Net Interest by Industry Group (A, 1987) No change.
6.16A 6.16A Corporate Profits by Industry Group (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.16B 6.16B Corporate Profits by Industry Group (A, 1944-87; Q, 1948-87) No change.
6.16C* 6.16C Corporate Profits by Industry Group (A, 1987; Q, 1987) No change.
6.17A 6.17A Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A, 1929-48) No change.
6.17B 6.17B Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.17C 6.17C Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.18A 6.18A Federal, State, and Local Corporate Profits Tax Liability by Industry (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.18B 6.18B Federal, State, and Local Corporate Profits Tax Liability by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.18C 6.18C Federal, State, and Local Corporate Profits Tax Liability by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.19A 6.19A Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.19B 6.19B Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.19C 6.19C Corporate Profits After Tax by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.20A 6.20A Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.20B 6.20B Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.20C 6.20C Net Corporate Dividend Payments by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.21A 6.21A Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.21B 6.21B Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.21C 6.21C Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry (A, 1987) No change.
6.22A 6.22A Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A, 1929-47) No change.
6.22B 6.22B Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A, 1948-87) No change.
6.22C 6.22C Corporate Capital Consumption Allowances by Industry (A, 1987-98) No change.
7. Quantity and Price Indexes
7.1* 7.1 Quantity and Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software."
7.2* 7.2 Quantity and Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product, Final Sales, and Purchases (A, 1929; Q, 1947) New addenda show "Final sales of computers," "Gross domestic product less final sales of computers," and "Gross domestic purchases less final sales of computers." "Energy" renamed "Energy goods and services."
7.3* 7.3 Quantity and Price Indexes for Gross National Product and Command-Basis Gross National Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Changed to be consistent with table 1.11.
7.4* 7.4 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Changed to be consistent with table 2.2.
7.5 7.5 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A, 1929) Changed to be consistent with table 2.6.
7.6* 7.6 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1947; Q, 1947) Changed to be consistent with table 5.4.
7.7 7.7 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type (A, 1929) Changed to be consistent with table 5.6.
7.8 7.8 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software by Type (A, 1929) Changed to be consistent with table 5.8.
7.9* 7.9 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Exports and Imports of Goods and Services and for Receipts and Payments of Income (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Changed to be consistent with table 4.2.
7.10* 7.10 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Exports and Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A, 1967; Q, 1967) Changed to be consistent with table 4.3.
7.11* 7.11 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Changed to be consistent with table 3.7.
7.12 7.12 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for National Defense Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A, 1972) Changed to be consistent with table 3.10.
7.13 7.13 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Gross Government Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1929) Changed to be consistent with table 5.14.
7.14* 7.14 Chain-Type Quantity and Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929; Q, 1947) No change.
7.15* 7.15 Price, Costs, and Profit Per Unit of Real Gross Product of Nonfinancial Corporate Business (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Changed to be consistent with table 1.16 and reordered to show costs and profits per unit with subtotals for unit labor costs, unit nonlabor costs, and corporate profits.
7.16* 7.16 Implicit Price Deflators for Private Inventories by Industry Group (Q, 1947) "Inventories" renamed "Private inventories."
7.17* 7.17 Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947) "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories."
7.18A 7.18 Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Auto Output (A, 1947-66; Q, 1947-66) Table now covers only 1947-66; later periods covered in new table 7.18B. "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "private fixed investment," and "Business inventories" renamed "Private inventories."
7.18B* Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Motor Vehicle Output (A, 1967; Q, 1967) New table combines auto and truck output; additional aggregates and detail shown.
7.19 7.20 Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Gross and Net Investment by Major Type (A, 1929) Changed to be consistent with table 5.2.
8. Supplemental Tables
8.1* 8.1 Percent Change from Preceding Period in Selected Series (A, 1930; Q, 1947) "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." New addenda show "Final sales of computers," "Gross domestic product less final sales of computers," and "Gross domestic purchases less final sales of computers."
8.2* 8.2 Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic Product (A, 1930; Q, 1947) Table expanded to show more detail under "Durable goods," "Nondurable goods," "Services," "Equipment and software," "Change in private inventories," and "Government consumption expenditures and gross investment." "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software," and "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories." New addenda show goods, services, structures, motor vehicle output, and final sales of computers.
8.3* Contributions to Percent Change in Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1930; Q, 1947) New table; detail consistent with table 2.3.
8.4* Contributions to Percent Change in Real Private Fixed Investment by Type (A, 1930; Q, 1947) New table; detail consistent with table 5.5.
8.5* Contributions to Percent Change in Real Exports and in Real Imports of Goods and Services by Type of Product (A, 1967; Q, 1967) New table; detail largely consistent with table 4.4.
8.6* Contributions to Percent Change in Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type (A, 1930; Q, 1947) New table; detail largely consistent with table 3.8.
8.7* 8.3 Selected Per Capita Product and Income Series in Current and Chained Dollars (A, 1929; Q, 1946) No change.
8.8A 8.4 Auto Output (A, 1947-66; Q, 1947-66) Table now covers only 1947-66; later periods covered in new table 8.8B. "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Private fixed investment," and "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories."
8.8B*. Motor Vehicle Output (A, 1967; Q, 1967) New table combines auto and truck output; additional aggregates and detail shown.
8.9B* Real Motor Vehicle Output (A, 1987; Q, 1987) New table; same as table 8.8B.
8.10 8.8 Farm Sector Output, Gross Product, and National Income (A, 1929) No change.
8.11 8.9 Real Farm Sector Output, Real Gross Product, and Real Net Product (A, 1987) No change.
8.12 8.10 Housing Sector Output, Gross Product, and National Income (A, 1929) No change.
8.13 8.11 Real Housing Sector Output, Real Gross Product, and Real Net Product (A, 1987) No change.
8.14 8.12 Consumption of Fixed Capital by Legal Form of Organization (A, 1929) No change.
8.15 8.13 Capital Consumption Adjustment by Legal Form of Organization and Type of Adjustment (A, 1929) No change.
8.16 8.14 Business Transfer Payments by Type (A, 1929) No change.
8.17 8.15 Supplements to Wages and Salaries by Type (A, 1948) Changed to reflect revised treatments of government employee retirement plans and of directors' fees.
8.18 8.16 Rental Income of Persons by Type (A, 1946) No change.
8.19 8.17 Dividends Paid and Received by Sector (A, 1946) "Publicly administered government employee retirement plans" and "Other" added under "Persons." "Other" redefined to reflect revised treatment of private noninsured pension plans.
8.20 8.18 Interest Paid and Received by Sector and Legal Form of Organization (A, 1946) "Publicly administered government employee retirement plans" and "Other" added under "Monetary interest received by persons." "Other" redefined to reflect revised treatment of private noninsured pension plans.
8.21 8.19 Imputations in the National Income and Product Accounts (A, 1929) Table expanded to show additional detailed imputations and additional NIPA aggregates affected by imputations.
8.22 8.20 Relation of Consumption of Fixed Capital in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to Depreciation and Amortization as Published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (A, 1929) "Depreciation of computer software not in IRS depreciation" added under "Plus: Accidental damage to fixed capital other than repairable damage" for corporations and for nonfarm sole proprietorships and partnerships. "Plus: other" redefined to exclude write-offs of abandoned nuclear power plants charged to current expense.
8.23 8.21 Relation of Nonfarm Proprietors' Income in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to Corresponding Measures as Published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (A, 1959) No change.
8.24 8.22 Relation of Net Farm Income in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to Net Farm Income as Published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (A, 1967) No change.
8.25 8.23 Relation of Corporate Profits, Taxes, and Dividends in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to Corresponding Measures as Published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (A, 1929) No change.
8.26 8.24 Relation of Monetary Interest Paid and Received in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to Corresponding Measures as Published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (A, 1946) No change.
8.27 8.25 Relation of Wages and Salaries in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) to Wages and Salaries as Published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (A, 1982) No change.
8.28 8.26 Comparison of Personal Income in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) with Adjusted Gross Income as Published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (A, 1947) Table redesigned to reflect revised treatments of government employee retirement plans and of private noninsured pension plans.
8.29 Capital Transfers (Net) (A, 1929) New table reflecting reclassification of certain transactions as capital transfers if they are associated with the aquisition or the disposition of an asset.
9. Seasonally Unadjusted Estimates
9.1 9.1 Gross Domestic Product, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q, 1946) Changed to be consistent with table 1.1.
9.2 9.2 Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q, 1946) Changed to be consistent with table 2.2.
9.3 9.3 Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q, 1946) Changed to be consistent with table 3.2, excluding the addenda.
9.4 9.4 State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q, 1946) Changed to be consistent with table 3.3, excluding the addenda.
9.5 9.5 Foreign Transactions in the National Income and Product Accounts, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q, 1946) Changed to be consistent with table 4.1.
9.6 9.6 Corporate Profits with Inventory Valuation Adjustment, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Q, 1946) No change.
Discontinued Tables
3.15 Government Current Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function (A, 1952) Estimates of government expenditure items by function will be presented in new tables 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. Changes to be presented in spring 2000.
3.16 Federal Government Current Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type and Function (A, 1952) Estimates of government expenditure items by function will be presented in new tables 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. Changes to be presented in spring 2000.
3.17 State and Local Government Current Expenditures and Gross Investment by Type and Function (A, 1952) Estimates of government expenditure items by function will be presented in new tables 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17. Changes to be presented in spring 2000.
7.19 Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Truck Output (A, 1967; Q, 1967) Estimates to be shown in table 7.18B.
8.5 Real Auto Output (A, 1982; Q, 1982) Estimates to be shown in table 8.9B.
8.6 Truck Output (A, 1967; Q, 1967) Estimates to be shown in table 8.8B.
8.7 Real Truck Output (A, 1982; Q, 1982) Estimates to be shown in table 8.9B.
8.27 Quantity Indexes and Percent Change from Preceding Period in Selected Series, Fixed 1996 Weights (A, 1929; Q, 1947) Estimates will continue to be made available. "Fixed 1992 weights" updated to "Fixed 1996 weights." "Producers' durable equipment" renamed "Equipment and software." "Change in business inventories" renamed "Change in private inventories."

* Indicates tables that are included in the "Selected NIPA Tables," published monthly in the SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS.

1. The letters in parentheses indicate the frequency of the estimates: A, annual estimates; Q, quarterly estimates; and M, monthly seasonally adjusted estimates. The year(s) associated with each letter indicates the beginning period for the estimates or, when expressed as a range of years, the period covered by the estimates.

2. For most tables, changes in footnotes are not identified.

NOTE.—Except for tables 1.2A, 1.2B, and 1.2C, the reference year for real, or chained-dollar, estimates and for price and quantity indexes will be updated from 1992 to 1996, and the table headnotes that identify the units used to present the estimates will be changed from "chained (1992) dollars" to "chained (1996) dollars" or from "index numbers, 1992=100" to "index numbers, 1996=100." For more information on the series that have been redefined to reflect changes in definition or classification, see Brent R. Moulton, Robert P. Parker, and Eugene P. Seskin, "A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Definitional and Classificational Changes," SURVEY 79 (August 1999): 7-20.

GDP Gross domestic product

NIPA National income and product accounts