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Finland Local time: 09:07 AM

Make-up Designory Looking for a Finnish Partner

MUD 2008

Company’s Representative in Finland in October, 2008

A representative of Make-up Designory will travel to the Nordic countries in the beginning of October, 2008 (dates to be decided) to meet with potential local partners for the company’s product line.

The company was established in 1997, in Los Angeles, as a vocational school with only two classrooms, dedicated to teaching the art of make-up.  The need to provide students, and professionals in the industry with the best possible products led the company down the path of creating a high quality line of cosmetics.  Presently, the company has a full line of cosmetics and facilities in Los Angeles and in New York City (see

The company is looking for partners who have the same passion they do about bringing a quality product to the consumer at a price that everyone can afford.  To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Ms. Tarja Kunnas at , tel: 09/6162 5345.