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Labor Statistics for the United States – Annual Averages

What this map layer shows:

Annual average labor statistics for the United States and Puerto Rico for the years 2000-2004, by county.
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The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), part of the U.S. Department of Labor, collects, processes, analyzes, and disseminates information on labor economics and statistics in the United States. This information is used by government agencies, businesses, and the general public to monitor labor trends, establish economic policies, and to plan for changes in the labor market. As part of the Local Area Unemployment Statistics program, BLS provides monthly estimates of unemployment rates and the size of the labor force, and also provides annual data. Employment and unemployment are considered key indicators of local economic conditions. These map layers were compiled by the National Atlas of the United States® from information provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The National Atlas offers two map layers showing annual average labor statistics for the United States and Puerto Rico: Labor Statistics for the United States – Annual Averages for 2000 and 2001 and Labor Statistics for the United States – Annual Averages for 2002 to 2004. Statistics are reported by county and include total labor force, the number of employed and unemployed, and the unemployment rate. Additional employment statistics for the United States and Puerto Rico are available from the BLS Local Area Unemployment Statistics program.