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Island Business Opportunities

Conference on Business Opportunity
in the Islands Concludes Successfully

L-R: Mr. Clouden (USVI), Minister Muller (RMI), Governor Camacho (GU), President Mori (FSM), DAS Pula, Minister Pierantozzi (ROP), and Secretary Ada (CNMI)

L-R: Mr. Clouden (USVI), Minister Muller (RMI), Governor Camacho (GU), President Mori (FSM), DAS Pula, Minister Pierantozzi (ROP), and Secretary Ada (CNMI)

Washington, D.C. (April 15, 2009): The Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs concluded a successful three-day Conference on Business Opportunities in the Islands, which kicked off on April 6 at the Sheraton Waikiki in Honolulu. Each of the freely associated states and the U.S. insular areas had government officials present, including the following heads of delegations: President Manny Mori of the Federated States of Micronesia, Governor Togiola Tulafono of American Samoa, Governor Felix Camacho of Guam, Minister of State Sandra Pierantozzi of Palau, Minister of Resources and Development Fredrick Muller of the Marshall Islands, Secretary of Commerce Michael Ada of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Virgin Islands’ Economic Development Authority Percival Clouden.    MoreMore

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U.S. Department of the Interior • Office of Insular Affairs
1849 C Street, N.W. • Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-6816 • FAX: (202) 219-1989
Last Updated on 04/20/09