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Significant Measures of State UI Tax Systems

This report is produced yearly from state-reported data contained in the Unemployment Insurance Data Base (UIDB) as well as UI-related data from outside sources (e.g., Bureau of Labor Statistics data on employment and unemployment and U.S. Department of Treasury data on state UI trust fund activities). It is intended to provide users with the information necessary to evaluate and compare state tax systems. Tables are provided for each state and several items are repeated on summary tables. The report also contains an explanation of how the data items can be used and a glossary containing a derivation of each item.

If you have any questions or desire further information, please contact Robert Pavosevich at the Division of Fiscal and Actuarial Services, (202) 693-2935 or

Report Years Available:


Created: March 29, 2004

Updated: September 30, 2008