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IPEDS Update on Recent TRP Meetings

A Technical Review Panel (TRP) meeting was recently convened to discuss new requirements included in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). The specific requirements discussed are related to institutional "Net Price of Attendance." Suggestions from this meeting are now available for comment on the RTI website: Comments should be sent by Dec. 19, 2008. Please see the meeting summary for additional details.

Reports and suggestions from other recent TRP meetings, specifically those from Collecting Data on Noncredit Instructional Activity, held on March 11-12, 2008, and Collecting Data on Distance Education, held on April 22-23, 2008, have not yet been posted for comment because NCES resources are currently dedicated to implementing requirements of the recently-enacted HEOA. These summaries will be posted at a later date and no action will be taken related to them until after they have been made available for comment.

Additionally, suggested changes resulting from two other TRP meetings, Changes to the IPEDS Collection Calendar, held on November 27,-28, 2007, and Issues of Concern to Non-Degree-Granting Institutions, held on January 15-16, 2008, have not yet been implemented because NCES resources are currently dedicated to implementing requirements of the HEOA.

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