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This Week in IPEDS

April 16, 2009 - NCES Launches New IPEDS Data Center and a New IPEDS Design

There are three items in This Week in IPEDS:

  • NCES Launches New IPEDS Data Center
  • IPEDS Website Has a New Look
  • Call for IPEDS Instructors

March 30, 2009 - IPEDS for 2009-10 and Beyond, IPEDS Instructors Needed and the AACRAO Conference

There are three items in This Week in IPEDS:

  1. Proposed Changes to IPEDS for 2009-10 and Beyond
  2. Experienced Keyholders and Data Users Needed to Become IPEDS Instructors
  3. NCES Presentations at AACRAO Conference

March 3, 2009 - Updated Graduation Rates (GRS), Student Financial Aid (SFA), and Spring Supplement '09 Webinars Available

Updated webinars covering the Graduation Rates (GRS), Student Financial Aid (SFA), and Spring Supplement ’09 (SS09) survey components are currently available.

February 9, 2009 - Spring Supplemental ’09 Form and Instructions Available

As announced in August 2008, NCES is adding a new survey component to the Spring 2009 IPEDS data collection in order to meet requirements of the Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA).

January 12, 2009 - New Webinar for New IPEDS Keyholders

There are two items in This Week in IPEDS:

  1. New Webinar for New IPEDS Keyholders
  2. Information Regarding NCES PETS:09 Studies

December 15, 2008 - IPEDS Data Availability and Mailing of Data Feedback Reports

There are two items in This Week in IPEDS:

  1. 2007-08 Human Resources Data Now Available
  2. Data Feedback Reports Being Mailed This Week

December 8, 2008 - IPEDS Updated Resources and Information for Winter Collection

There are four items in This Week in IPEDS:

  1. AIR Webinars Now Available
  2. New Student-to-Faculty Ratio Section on Enrollment Survey
  3. Context Box Reminder
  4. Enhanced Executive Peer Tool (ExPT)

November 24, 2008 - IPEDS Update on Recent TRP Meetings

A Technical Review Panel (TRP) meeting was recently convened to discuss new requirements included in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). The specific requirements discussed are related to institutional "Net Price of Attendance."

November 13, 2008 - Call for Participants: Data Feedback Report and Data Consortium Utilization Survey

NCES/AIR Policy Fellow Matthew Soldner has launched the first of a series of studies focused on campus use of peer comparison data.

October 1, 2008 - Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is Now Available

The IPEDS Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is now open, and is located at: The PYR allows corrections to be made to data submitted during last year’s (2007-08) IPEDS collections.


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