BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Venezuela Local time: 04:02 PM

Links of Interest


Visit the website of the Embassy of the United States of America in Venezuela U.S. Embassy Venezuela

The Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce is a web information portal for the United States Federal Government which is designed to be a "citizens guide" for transactions with the U.S. government. The portal is a project of the President's Management Council that includes a "trade" section containing information on the Small Business Administration's information and tradenet website. is a one-stop information source offering valuable information to help your business export goods and services to markets worldwide. From this site you can access a global listing of trade events, international market research, and practical tools to help with every step of the export process.

International Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce provides information on international trade. International Trade Administration ITA
Tel.: 1-800-USA-TRADE

Commercial News USA is the place where North American exporters meet importers from around the world to establish successful business relationships.
Phone: 1-800-581-8533, a service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Commercial Service. This is the most comprehensive source for commercial information about the United States of America.

Can you guess which state is Venezuela biggest trading partner? If you guessed FLORIDA you are right! The Florida Services Networkis Florida's first official online business center dedicated exclusively to Florida service industries, created by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Enterprise Florida, to facilitate commerce between Florida's service firms and companies worldwide.

The Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce VenAmCham

Maracaibo Chamber of Commerce CCM

Nacional Council for the Promotion of Investments in Venezuela Conapri

Venezuelan Export Promoter of Oil Goods and Services Veprox

Venezuelan Gas Processors Association AVPG

Links in the Spanish language:

Exchange rates and international reserves Central Bank of Venezuela

The Stock Exchange Caracas Stock Exchange

Trade and Labor Force Statistics National Institute of Statistics

Federation of Chambers of Commerce Fedecamaras

Business Council for Industry Conindustria

Business Council for Commerce Consecomercio

Petroleum Chamber of Venezuela Cámara Petrolera

National distribution Spanish language newspapers:

El Universal

El Nacional