==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 15162 / November 20, 1996 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. ROBERT CLIFFORD COWAN No. 5:96-MG-072, USDC/ND, TX (Lubbock Division) The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") and the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas announced that on November 8, 1996, a criminal complaint charging mail fraud was filed against Robert Clifford Cowan ("Cowan") of Lubbock, Texas. The criminal complaint alleges that Cowan received over $400,000 from a client for the purpose of investing in trust units in CS Investments ("CSI"), an entity which Cowan represented to be an investment company registered with the Commission, and that the client received checks from Cowan purportedly representing interest from his trust account when, in fact, the checks represented monies taken in from new investors in the CSI trust accounts. Previously, on November 5, 1996, the Commission filed a civil complaint against Cowan, and the Court simultaneously granted the Commission's request for a temporary restraining order prohibiting Cowan, CS Investments, and Cowan Asset Management, Inc., a registered investment adviser, from violating the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. According to the complaint, Cowan raised at least $1 million, and as much as $3 million, from his customers for the purpose of purchasing trust units in CSI. In fact, according to the complaint, CSI does not exist, apart from Cowan's misrepresentations and created records, and does not hold securities or funds for customers; rather, Cowan used customers' funds for his personal expenses, and to satisfy periodic payments and redemptions for his customers as part of a "ponzi" scheme.