==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 15044 / September 12, 1996 Securities and Exchange Commission v. Tina M. Applegate et al., No.C2-96-474 (S.D. Ohio 1996); Securities and Exchange Commission v. Larry R. Ryan, No. 96-CV-04379 (N.D. Illinois 1996). The Commission announced that orders of permanent injunction were entered against Tina M. Applegate, Douglas A. Burnip, Dennis A. Dunlap, Stephen M. Jordan, and Miguel A. Lucas (the Ohio Defendants) in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio and against Larry R. Ryan in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois enjoining them from violations of the registration and antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. The defendants consented to the entry of the orders without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's complaints. In its complaints, the Commission alleged that from 1991 through 1993, the Defendants, National Liquidators, Inc., Vance K. Wolfe and others raised approximately $43 million from the offer and sale of unregistered securities to approximately one thousand investors in several states. The Defendants made materially false and misleading statements to investors and prospective investors concerning the use of investor proceeds, the risks involved in making the investment, the return on the investment and the commissions paid to the Defendants.