==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. Litigation Release No. 15008 / August 8, 1996 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. EDDIE ANTAR, SAM E. ANTAR, MITCHELL ANTAR, ISAAC KAIREY, DAVID PANOFF, EDDIE GINDI, AND KATHLEEN MORIN, Civil Action No. 89-3773 (JCL) (D.N.J.) On July 16, 1990, the SEC obtained a judgment for $73,496,432, plus interest, against Eddie Antar in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. Since that time, the SEC has been engaged in a world-wide effort to locate and return Antar s ill-gotten assets to the United States. Recently, two foreign courts have issued decisions adverse to Antar s continuing efforts to retain his fraudulently-obtained lucre overseas rather than return it to the shareholders of Crazy Eddie, Inc., whom he hoodwinked with financial machinations. On July 19, 1996, the Court of Appeal of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, issued a ruling whereby the court-appointed Trustee/Receiver in the SEC s action against Antar is entitled to recover more than $9,000,000 that Antar had pseudonymously deposited into bank accounts located in that Canton. The Court of Appeal held that the Cantonal courts in Zurich were bound by the prior decision of a Geneva, Switzerland appellate court recognizing and enforcing the U.S. judgment against Antar. The Geneva court decision had precedential effect outside the Canton of Geneva and barred Antar from challenging, in the courts of Zurich, that the U.S. judgment was of a civil nature and did not impose either a criminal sentence or an administrative measure on Antar. The Trustee/Receiver is represented in Zurich by Dr. Martin Bernet, of the firm Schellenberg & Haissly and, in the United States, by A. Richard Ross, of the firm Carella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan, Cecchi, Stewart & Olstein in Roseland, New Jersey. On July 29, 1996, the English High Court of Justice, Queen s Bench Division, publicly released its decision striking Antar s defense in an action brought against him by the SEC seeking to enforce the U.S. judgment in England. The English court (per the Honorable Mr. Justice Sachs) struck Antar s defense because it found that he was in contumelious breach of a July 8, 1992 order of the court requiring him to freeze and disclose all of his assets in England. The English court observed that nearly 50,000 English pounds worth of Antar s assets were transferred from London to Liechtenstein on August 3, 1992, less than two weeks after the English court s asset-freeze and disclosure order had been served on Antar on July 21, 1992. In response to Antar s excuse that he did not disclose these assets because he had ==========================================START OF PAGE 2====== wholly forgotten about them, the court stated it was perfectly satisfied that [Antar] has a wholly cavalier approach to Orders of the Court, his explanations for the breaches admitted or proved have no credibility. The court noted that Antar is an admitted fraudsman. The English court directed that the SEC be at liberty to enter final judgment [in England] for $73,496,432 plus interest and that the Plaintiff [SEC] to have his costs of and occasioned by this application . . . paid by [Antar]. Prior Litigation Releases dealing with this and related cases: 14431, 14053, 14028, 13958, 13776, 13764, 13734, 13723, 13649, 13509, 13281, 12995, 12723, 12548, 12356, and 12239.