==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 14925 / May 31, 1996 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. WILLIAM JONES CAMPBELL 4:96-CR-033-Y, USDC, ND/TX [Fort Worth Div] The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") and the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas announced that on May 28, 1996, William J. Campbell ("Campbell") was sentenced to 70 months imprisonment and three years on supervised release. Campbell, who on April 1, 1996, pled guilty to two counts of mail fraud, will begin serving his prison term on June 28, 1996. The criminal charges against Campbell relate to the same activities alleged in the Commission's complaint for civil injunctive action filed on March 7, 1994. In that complaint, the Commission alleged that from at least January 1990 until December 1992, Campbell, and others, raised $26.9 million from over 1,300 investors through the offer and sale of investment contracts in an affinity-based "Ponzi" scheme in which investors lost at least $12.5 million. The Commission also alleged that Campbell falsely represented that investor monies would be invested in purported construction contracts and that their principal would be guaranteed. The complaint further alleged that investor monies were used to repay prior investors, to pay commissions, and for the personal enrichment of Campbell and others, including the financing of other businesses, payment of prior debts, unrelated personal investments and personal expenses. The Commission acknowledges the assistance of the United States Postal Inspection Service in this matter. For further information, see Litigation Releases Nos. 14002, 14116, 14207, 14434.