==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== Securities and Exchange Commission LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 14811 / February 6, 1996 Securities and Exchange Commission v. Cherif, Civ. Action No.89C 4204 (N.D. Ill.) The Securities and Exchange Commission announces that on June 14, 1995, pursuant to a consent in which the defendant neither admitted nor denied the allegations of the Commission's complaint, the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, issued an injunction permanently enjoining Danny Omar Cherif from violating Sections 10(b) and 14(e)of the Exchange Act and Rules 10b-5 and 14e-3 promulgated thereunder. The Court also ordered Cherif to pay $360,667.64 in disgorgement of illegal profits, of which all but $168,782.37 was waived based upon his demonstrated inability to pay. In its Complaint the Commission alleged that Cherif violated the insider trading prohibitions of the federal securities laws in connection with a scheme to steal confidential information concerning mergers and acquisitions transactions from the First National Bank of Chicago.