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Sandhill cranes and light geese.
Photo by Jerry Goffe

Bosque del Apache is Spanish for "woods of the Apache," and is rooted in the time when the Spanish observed Apaches routinely camped in the riverside forest. Since then the name has come to mean one of the most spectacular national wildlife refuges in North America. Here, tens of thousands of birds--including sandhill cranes, Arctic geese, and many kinds of ducks--gather each autumn and stay through the winter. Feeding snow geese erupt in explosions of wings when frightened by a stalking coyote, and at dusk, flight after flight of geese and cranes return to roost in the marshes.

In the summer Bosque del Apache lives its quiet, green life as an oasis in the arid lands that surround it.

2008 Hunting Map

2008 Fishing/Frogging Map

Read about the 10 Million Year Old Fossil Discovered at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Read the Bosque del Apache NWR Planning Update #1, Spring 2007

Read the 2008-2009 Burned Area Rehabilitation Plan for the Marcial Fire

The October - December Issue of Bosque Watch is now available.



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