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NAEP Presentations at the 2009 AERA/NCME Meetings
April 12–17, San Diego, California

You may be interested in attending NAEP-related presentations at the upcoming annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) in San Diego. Below is a preliminary list of sessions from the AERA and NCME websites, where you may find more detailed abstracts. When you arrive at the conference, please check for changes in times and locations in the schedule updates available in the conference registration area.

Note that advance registration is needed for professional development training sessions and typically there is a charge. Register here for the conference and any professional development training sessions you wish to attend.

Sunday, 4/12
Monday, 4/13
Tuesday, 4/14
Wednesday, 4/15
Thursday, 4/16

Sunday, 4/12

9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina/Warner Center. Registration is required.
AERA Training Session PDC09: Psychometrics Behind National Assessment of Educational Progress: Understanding and Analyzing NAEP Data

8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 4, DD.  Registration is required.
NCME Training Session: Developing Noncognitive Assessments

8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 1, CC. Registration is required. 
NCME Training Session: Linking and Aligning Scores and Scales

1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 3, GG. Registration is required.
NCME Training Session: A Nonlinear Mixed Models Approach to IRT

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Monday, 4/13

8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 6, MM. Registration is required.
NCME Training Session: Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment

4:00 p.m.–4:45 p.m. San Diego Convention Center / Ballroom 6A
Roundtable Discussion: Topics in Mathematics Learning and Instruction:

  • School Effects, Course Taking, and Mathematics Learning: Perspectives From the National Assessment of Educational Progress (Zheng, Rabe-Hesketh)

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Tuesday, 4/14

8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Coronado. Registration is required.
AERA Training Session PDC13: Advanced Hands-On Exploration of NAEP Data on the Web

8:15 a.m.–10:15 a.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Pacific
Session: Reading and the Achievement Gap

  • Adolescent Reading Engagement: A Secondary Analysis of 2005 Eighth-Grade NAEP Results (Strause)
  • Demographic Information, Reading Engagement, and Reading Achievement From NAEP Data (Lee)
  • Factors Impacting English Language Learners' Reading Performance on Standardized Tests (Woo)
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Passage Characteristics and Item Difficulty in the NAEP Reading Assessment (Ndege, Scott, Chester, Ogut)
  • National Trends on Student Reading and Writing Engagement Using NAEP Data from 2002 to 2007 (Lee, Minsky)

2:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Pacific
Session: NAEP 2009 Reading Assessment: Addressing Issues That Come With Changes in Assessment Specifications

  • Examining the Effects of Presenting Reading Passages With Imbedded Aids: Avoiding Construct-Irrelevant Variance (Everson, Osterlind, Dogan, Tirre)
  • Keeping Reading Comprehension as Reading Comprehension: How to Ensure Construct Equivalence When a New Item Type Is Introduced in an Indicator Assessment (Dogan, Osterlind, Everson, Tirre)
  • An Empirical Look at the 2007 and 2009 NAEP Reading Assessment Frameworks: A Content Alignment Study (Everson, Kim, Butvin)
  • Maintaining Trend Measurement Across Assessment Frameworks: Psychometric Design Issues (Moran, Xu)

4:05 p.m.–5:35 p.m. Omni San Diego / Salon D
Session: Studies Examining Achievement Gaps

  • Making NAEP Reading Passages More Accessible to Low-Achieving Fourth Graders: An Exploratory Study (Pearson, Benson, Callahan)

4:05 p.m.–5:35 p.m. San Diego Convention Center / Room 22
Session: Causes and Consequences of Achievement Gaps

  • Understanding Achievement Gaps: A Decomposition of Trends in Test Score Gaps Using Quantile Regression (Page, Murnane, Willett)

4:05 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Building/Room: San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Marriott Hall Salon 3
Session: Building Capacity Among Doctoral Students: AERA and IES Dissertation Fellows and Their Research

  • Are More Stringent State NCLB Accountability Systems Associated With Better Student Outcomes? An Analysis of NAEP Results Across States (Wei)

4:05 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 3, E1. 
NCME Symposium: Accurate Assessment of Student Achievement: Today's Challenges and Solutions (Graduate Student Issuess Committee). (Svetina, Swygert, Abedi, Buckendahl, Hovanetz-Lassila, Tanner)

4:05 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 2, E2. 
NCME Symposium: Making Test Score Scales and Reports More Understandable and Useful.

  • Efforts to Produce Relevant Score Reports to Schools, Districts, and State Officials on National Tests (Patelis, Matos)
  • Performing at or Above Proficient: The Reporting of NAEP Results in the Internet Age (Zenisky, Sireci)

6:15 p.m.–7:45 p.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Pacific
NAEP Studies SIG Business Meeting

  • NAEP 2005: The Real State Ranks in Fourth Grade (Werblow, Duesbery)

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Wednesday, 4/15

10:35 p.m.–12:05 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 3, F2.
NCME Symposium: Large-Scale Assessment and Accommodating Students with Disabilities: Past, Present, and Future.

  • Investigating Accommodation Validity: Current Approaches (Laitusis)
  • Measuring the Status and Change of NAEP State Inclusion Rates for Students with Disabilities (Kitmitto, de Mello)

2:15 p.m.–2:55 p.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Marriott Hall Salon 4
Roundtable Discussion: On the Achievement Gap

  • A Further Examination of Mathematics and Science Coursework and NAEP Science Assessment Performance (Brown, Perkins, Roey)
  • English Language Learners' Math Achievement Gap: Applying Propensity Score Matching and Hierarchical Linear Modeling to NAEP (Lee, Kim)
  • The Uneven Achievement Gaps: Findings From the NAEP 2005 High School Transcript Study (Mordica, Brown, Roey, Perkins, Johnson)
  • Validating Student Progress on State Assessments With Results on NAEP: A Longitudinal Analysis of Student Performance and Achievement Gaps (Zhang, Kersteter)

2:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Omni San Diego / Salon E
Studies in School Context

  • Sensitivity of NAEP to the Effects of Reform-Based Teaching and Learning in Middle School Mathematics (Stancavage, Shepard, Holtzman)

2:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 3, H2.
NCME Paper Session:  Methodological Issues Related to NAEP

  • Interrater Reliability Statistics for Trend Scoring in NAEP (Cid, Staniewska)
  • An Investigation of Using Postsmoothing Method to Improve Results of Linking a State Assessment to the 2003 NAEP Mathematics (Zhang, Wang)
  • Analysis of NAEP Data using a Hierarchical Latent Regression Model (Li, Oranje, Lin)
  • An Exploration of Model Reduction Approaches for Educational Survey Population Models (Oranje, Staniewska)

4:05 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, The Edge, 16.
NCME Graduate Student Poster Session (sponsored by the Graduate Student Issues Committee)

  • The Racial Academic Achievement Gap and English Language Learning (ELL) Factors: An Analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Math and Reading (Kim, Lee)

4:05 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 2, I1.
NCME Symposium: NCLB at Year 8 in the Assessment of English Language Learners: Taking Stock of the Assessment and Accountability Systems (National Association of Test Directors).  (Morse, Abedi, Francis, Kopriva, Cizek, Linquanti)

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Thursday, 4/16

8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina / Green Room. Registration is required.
AERA Training Session PDC29: Accessing and Analyzing High School Transcript Study Data for Educational Research Purposes

4:05 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Hard Rock Hotel, Legends 6, N5.
NCME Paper Session: Large-Scale Assessment: Issues and Applications

  • An Investigation of the Position Effects in Large-Scale Writing Assessments (Qian, Davis)

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Last updated 07 April 2009 (EP)
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