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Bio for Rebecca Seldin

rseldin bio

January 7, 2008- July 15, 2008

School: University of California, Davis
Major: International Relations, World Trade
Hometown: Pacific Grove, CA

During my tenure at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center I gained the experience, confidence and skills necessary to achieve success.  The internship experience greatly exceeded my expectations and the everyday challenges largely influenced my future plans.  I came into this internship seeking experience in business and politics and am leaving with a passion for international issues and a desire to pursue any path which may be incorporated in the international arena.  Based upon my commitment and hard work at the Sacrament U.S. Export Assistance Center, I have changed my academic major and learned to communicate in a professional and fast paced environment.  Learning under Director, George Tastard, I have come to understand the business sense, hard work and communication skills necessary to smoothly run a successful business and become a trade specialist. 

My day-to-day work has included Market Research, communicating with CEO’s and top governmental officials around the world, planning international delegations, authoring the national requirements to run a government intern program, and writing export success stories.  I have enjoyed the many opportunities to coordinate and attend International Business events as well as meet many skilled professionals from around the world.  The internship at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center will always be the basis of my business training and will guide me through my future endeavors.  I leave the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center with professional confidence, developed skills and great relationships with all of whom I have worked with.