BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Michael Liang

Michael Liang

School: University of California, Davis
Major: Economics, International Relations
Hometown: Gilroy, CA

My six-month internship at the U.S Commercial Service, Sacramento Export Assistance Center has prepared me to enter the professional business world. As an intern, I was given the opportunity to conduct Market Research, counsel local clients, write Export Successes and participate in Trade Shows. I was treated as a valued part of the team and was given responsibilities and duties that tested my management and leadership skills. Through the six-month experience, I was able learn the various types of communications that exists in the business world
The skills I have learned at the Sacramento Export Assistance Center has truly given me an edge over other candidates in the job market. This is not your typical internship with minor responsibilities; therefore, I would strongly recommend the Sacramento Export Assistance Center to any student who has an interest in World Trade.