BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Mari Gray


March 25, 2008 – September 25, 2008

School: University of California, Davis
Majors: International Relations and Spanish
Hometown: Walnut Creek, CA

During my six months at the Sacramento US Export Assistance Center, I gained professional communication skills via emails, phone calls, and personal meetings; research skills through Market Research and other research for our clients; writing skills through highlights that are sent to Congress; and web design skills by being responsible for the website of the office.

Althougn at the beginning of the internship, six months seemed like an eternity, as I gained more knowledge and confidence, time flew with assignments guaranteeing a busy schedule.  The workload enabled me to manage my time efficiently and effectively.  Because of the experience gained through this internship, I now have great confidence in myself.  I tackled web design without any previous experience in the field and updated the site frequently, organized and met with delegations from abroad, and translated several conference calls over the phone.  I am not afraid to meet with high level executives, and I now have the confidence in myself to pursue future goals because of skills developed through this opportunity at the Sacramento US Export Assistance Center.