BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Ken Barnes

Ken Barnes Receiving Completion Certificate

June 22, 2004 - September 10, 2004

School: University of California, Davis (Graduated - July, 1996)
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Atwater, CA

I learned a tremendous amount during my time at the Sacramento USEAC. I learned about managing exports, planning large scale commerce events, and navigating federal services. I also significantly increased my customer service and communication skills.

I highly recommend this internship to anybody interested in commerce. You will learn more than you ever thought possible. You will learn real world solutions to real world problems as well as prepare yourself for the job market in a way that other students only dream of. This is a serious opportunity. Never before was I given so much responsibility. I really felt like I was part of the team and helped accomplish significant goals.

I have acquired skills and training that will propel my career into unchartered territory.