BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Francisco Austria

Francisco Austria

September 18, 2008 – March 31, 2009

School: California State University Sacramento
Major: International Affairs
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Internship is an excellent way to “test-drive” a potential career path.  It gives internship participants an idea, or at least a foundation, of what type of career that they eventually want to pursue. Internship offers participants the chance to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities that are important in the workplace.

Moreover, in my case where I am in the process of re-defining my career path, transitioning from the private sector to the public sector, an internship at a federal government agency such as the U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) proved to be helpful and enlightening as well.  The internship experience confirmed my desire to be part of governmental affairs which could be a much more exciting arena compared to the corporate world.

The U.S Export Assistance Center has a great internship program that allows interns to grow professionally. The experience gives interns the chance to interact with business owners as well as foreign-based U.S. Commercial Service colleagues.  Truly, it is a valuable professional experience which makes this particular internship highly recommended.