BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Emily Chan

Emily Chen

October  7, 2009 - April 2, 2009

School: University of California at Davis
Major: International Relations
Hometown: Concord, CA 

My internship experience at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center has prepared me for working in a professional office environment. As an intern, I interacted with clients on a personal basis, conducted market research, participated in conference calls, managed client database, and promoted international trade seminars. From the tasks that I was assigned and performed, I am now more confident communicating in a professional manner. In additon, I learned business etiquette and how to manage my time efficiently.  

This internship provided me with a hands-on experience to operate in a professional and fast paced environment. I gained a better understanding about the international business arena, the dedication and hard work necessary to manage a successful business. I leave this internship with tremendous growth and the confidence that will guide me in my future business endeavors.