BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for America Pintabutr

A picture of America Pintabutr.

School: University of California, Davis
Major: International Relations, German
Hometown: Clovis, CA

My six-months internship at the U.S. Commercial Service, Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center has been the most fulfilling six months of my life.  During my tenure, I was responsible for international market research and write-ups of our office’s annual reports and event highlights.  Our office is a one-person operation, which serves approximately 20 counties in Northern California and generates an immense workload that has helped me develop the skills required in a high activity work place.  I was offered the opportunity to apply for an internship abroad with the Commercial Service at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, where I hope to be interning in early 2008.  Needless to say, this internship has given me the opportunity to be active in the international community and put into practice the knowledge I acquired from books and classrooms.   

I came in without any experience, however, I am leaving confident with the skills that I have obtained at the U.S. Commercial Service.  Aside from obtaining skills, I have also built friendships with fellow interns. I believe that my experience will give me an edge in the competitive world of international trade and policy.  I would strongly recommend this internship to individuals ready to be stimulated, to work hard and has an interest in international trade.  I thank everyone that has been a part of my experience with the U.S. Commercial Service.