BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Allan Yue

April 9, 2007 – October 11, 2007

School: University of California, Davis (Graduated - June 2008)
Majors: EconomicsAllan Yue
Hometown: Alameda, CA

Working at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center for the past six months has given me the opportunity to develop in a professional work environment. I truly believe that this not only one of the best internships I had, but ranks among one of my most unforgettable college experiences. While working here, I was able develop my research skills,
improve my communication and writing abilities, and learn first hand about international trade.

The skills that I have learned during this internship will prepare me for my future career. I feel that I have a competitive edge going into the job market. Before this internship, I had very limited work experience and
little knowledge about international trade. Now I have complete grasp of
what it takes to be successful in international trade.

I appreciate all the specialized international trade training I have
received. I highly recommend this internship to all students who desire
career in international business