BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Cassandra Woo


March 31, 2008 – October 15, 2008

School: University of California, Davis
Major: International Relations
Hometown: South San Francisco

My internship at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center has prepared me for working in the international business arena.  This internship allowed me to work with clients on a personal basis.  This internship was far from a secretarial job.  In this internship, I met with clients and talked with them throughout their pursuit to export.  From personal interaction with clients, I am now able to communicate in a more professional manner.  For my clients, I conducted market research, provided shipping information, and guided them toward successful exportation.

In addition to helping clients, I gained a better perspective of myself and the working world.  This internship challenged me to step up to the plate and take a leadership role.  When I began this internship, I rarely spoke my mind and would never dare cross any boundaries.  Now, I am able to talk with business clients and partners without hesitancy while taking the initiative when working with others.  My experience at this internship has helped me build a foundation for my future business endeavors.