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Malaria Foundation International

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World Malaria Day 2009

April 25, 2009

To Choi Kwang Do (CKD) Martial Art International:

On World Malaria Day 2009, the Malaria Foundation International (MFI) thanks all the people around the world who have joined the fight to End Malaria

On this occasion, our special thanks are extended to Choi Kwang Do (CKD), for being a steadfast partner since 2007, and instrumental in kicking off the development of the Malaria Foundation’s global SLAM network. Student Leaders Against Malaria (SLAM) has developed roots in over a dozen countries, with the main goal of educating communities about malaria.  SLAM is in essence a mentorship program, which teaches young people to become strong partners in the fight against malaria, and take responsibility in their communities. 

Much like CKD, the SLAM network grows and thrives on the efforts of strong committed leaders, working selflessly to improve the health and well being of people in their communities.  The End Malaria – Blue Ribbon has become a tool for SLAM leaders to help create interest.  We are most proud of the accomplishments of SLAM members, and grateful to CKD for making this possible. The accompanying few pages highlight the accomplishments of a number of SLAM leaders, thanks to CKD’s support.

Malaria sickens about 500 million people each year, and over a million die, mostly children.  Pregnant women are also especially vulnerable to sickness and death due to malaria.  However, infected mosquitoes bite indiscriminately!  Malaria can kill men and women, whether strong or weak, young or old.  Every person living in a community with malaria (which exists in over 100 countries) is at risk, and education is essential to fighting this deadly disease, which is preventable and treatable.

CKD’s guiding principles (humility, honesty, generosity, perseverance, self-control and an unbreakable spirit) are all critical for the success of the global fight to End Malaria.

We are grateful for CKD’s continued commitment to raise funds for the Malaria Foundation, and help us to nurture educational projects on malaria in many countries in Africa, in India and beyond (see regular updates on our progress at  In so many ways, our partnership has been extremely rewarding.


Mary R. Galinski, PhD
Founder & President

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