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National Science Board
Governing Board of the National Science Foundation & Policy Advisors to the U.S. President and Congress
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Subcommittees, Task Forces and adhoc Committees
image CPP Subcommittee on Polar Issues
image CPP Task Force on Sustainable Energy
image CSB Subcommittee on Facilities
image CSB Task Force on Cost Sharing
image Task Force for the NSF 60th Anniversary
Archived Committees

Committee on Strategy and Budget
Task Force on Cost Sharing


Chairman: Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier
Members:   Dr. Mark R. Abbott
Dr. Camilla P. Benbow
Dr. Jon C. Strauss
Dr. Thomas N. Taylor
Dr. Richard F. Thompson
Executive Secretary: Ms. Jennifer Richards

Public Comment Opportunity for Draft NSB Report on NSF Cost Sharing Policies

On February 8, 2007, the Task Force issued a report on NSF cost sharing policy focusing specifically on the issues raised by Congress in the America COMPETES Act. Download Report to Congress on Cost Sharing Policies at the National Science Foundation.

To inform this report, the Task Force held a Board-sponsored roundtable discussion:

December 7, 2007: "Roundtable Discussion on Cost Sharing," National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
Agenda List of Participants

The Task Force is currently continuing its examination of key issues and challenges in cost sharing in order to develop a comprehensive report on NSF cost sharing policy.

To inform this report, the Task Force held two Board-sponsored roundtable discussions and a public community opportunity:

On July 9 and July 10, 2008, the National Science Board Task Force on Cost Sharing held two roundtable discussions at NSF.

July 9: "Roundtable Discussion 2 on Voluntary Cost Sharing: Specification, Tracking, and Role in the NSF Decision Process".
Agenda and List of Participants.

July 10: "Roundtable Discussion 3 on Implications on Mandatory and Voluntary Cost Sharing for Broadening Participation in Science and Engineering Research and Education".
Agenda and List of Participants.

Between August and October 2008, the Task Force held a public community opportunity: Request for public comment.


In October 2007, the National Science Board established a Task Force on Cost Sharing to examine issues related to cost sharing over a 1-year period in order to formulate constructive policy recommendations for the National Science Foundation. The Task Force was established in response to a Congressional mandate in the August 9, 2007 America COMPETES Act requiring the Board to provide a report within 6 months on potential unintended consequences of its 2004 revision to NSF cost sharing policy that eliminated mandatory cost sharing for all NSF programs. Prior to 2004, specific NSF programs could set cost sharing requirements for solicited proposals in addition to the statutory one percent requirement (which has since been eliminated from NSF Congressional appropriations language).

The Act directed the Board to "evaluate the impact of its policy to eliminate cost sharing for research grants and cooperative agreements for existing programs that were developed around industry partnerships and historically required cost sharing, such as the Engineering Research Centers and Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers. The Board shall also consider the impact that the cost sharing policy has on initiating new programs for which industry interest and participation are sought." For full legislative text, click here.

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